Earlier in the week, tree guys were working in our neighborhood and one was going door to door, drumming up more business. We had pretty large hickory tree close to the front of our house that had recently died, so we had been talking about taking it down. This was about 20 years ago and they wanted $1000 to take the tree down. I declined their offer. Friday afternoon they were in my next door neighbor's back yard and when they were wrapping up the same guy that had come around earlier, knocked on the door again. He said "we'll take that tree down and cut it up for $350 cash, right now. I said get started, Ill go to the bank and be back in a minute. When I got home they had already started and most of the lower branches were on the ground. The guy then started swinging from the rope, from branch to branch, one side of the tree to the other, cutting branches as he went. I stood with my neighbor in his front yard, both with our jaws dropped, having never witnessed such craziness. It was pretty amazing. When all the branches were down, he started on the trunk, a four foot section dropped, and another, and another. The guy repositioned his safety lanyard and leaned back for his next cut, and he fell. It was like he was unconscious, no screaming, no arms flailing, he fell backwards from about 35 or 40 feet up, making a little more than 180 degree rotation he landed in the pile of branched head down, waist bent, legs out. Oh fuk, as I ran over there I though, dead guy in my front yard. His torso went between the branches, his neck was cocked with one side of his face against the ground, there was no movement. The guy working with him yelled 'Steve' and then said 'He's my brother. All the sudden Steve took a big breath and then started moaning. He started to attempt to push himself up and I told his brother to keep him still while I call for an ambulance. I opened the front door and my 5 year old said 'daddy, why'd the man throw his clothes out of the tree?' LOL, kids do say the darndest things, no time for that. A neighbor had seen what happened and a ambulance was already on its way. Steve was pretty angry about having to remain in the position he was in until the ambulance got there, then put a small backboard and neckbrace on him and carted him off. His brother finished cutting down the tree and left. The next day, Steve shows up at our front door in a cast, sore all over, but only a broken leg, I never would a thunk. He apologized... that seemed weird. About a month later we got a lawsuit, claiming our failure to maintain the tree lead to his accident. We turned it over to our homeowners insurance agent. Several weeks later we got a call, the suit had been thrown out. The hospital had considered it an industrial accident and automatically drug tested him. He had cocaine in his system. They also said he was epileptic, and shouldn't have been climbing trees. His is Steve Spaulding, last I heard he still operates Spaulding tree service, licensed, bonded, and insured... my ass. Oh, I forgot, he was charged with scamming an elderly person not too many years ago, never heard the outcome.