A Classifieds posting will be made soon, but Laurie and I have decided to sell the hot air balloon. If anyone is interested in learning how to fly one, you will end up having to buy one, so ours is a perfect option!
For us, it comes down to too many things to do and not enough time to do them in more than anything. We've had the balloon for about 15 months. In the end, I think we've flown it about 5 hours total between the two of us. A lot of that was due to COVID popping up right at the beginning of the balloon season last year. Given how busy we are, especially this year (and that's not slowing down), the balloon flying is just something we've realized is not going to happen with enough regularity to complete the ratings.
Personally, I've realized that I enjoy flying the balloon, but given that you're pretty much always landing on someone else's property, mentally that's something I just have a hard time with.
So it's been fun, but we'll be happy to have it sold.