I was reminiscing about flight training and some of the memorable things my instructors had done that caught me by surprise. Let's here yours.
#1 My student training: CFI distracted me then turned our 152s fuel selector to off. The engine quit and he patiently waited for me to reach for a check list. I did a mental checklist and forgot the fuel selector, of course. After a minute or so he turned it on.
#2 Instrument training. At night upon entering the pattern at home base (VFR, no hood, tower closed) the CFI turns off the master switch and says "land it." With no altimeter and no strobes bouncing of the deck to give depth this was much harder to do than expected despite having landed with no landing light several times before then.
#1 My student training: CFI distracted me then turned our 152s fuel selector to off. The engine quit and he patiently waited for me to reach for a check list. I did a mental checklist and forgot the fuel selector, of course. After a minute or so he turned it on.
#2 Instrument training. At night upon entering the pattern at home base (VFR, no hood, tower closed) the CFI turns off the master switch and says "land it." With no altimeter and no strobes bouncing of the deck to give depth this was much harder to do than expected despite having landed with no landing light several times before then.