Ok, so many of you have brought to my attention that to be a commercial pilot I have to get a First Class Medical which can be difficult due to my mild case of Cystic Fibrosis (Lung Disease) and Chrons (Inflammatory Bowl Disease). Other than that I'm a healthy, slightly active teen. I have located the nearest Designee who is 4 minutes away from my house but I need to know what I have to have to be able to pass. I'm planning on getting advice from my CF doctor even though I've flown on planes many times without a problem, but should I get medical advice from my Chrons doctor? Also, I have other questions like would lack sleep be an issue? Should I wait to get my Medical until after training? Will I having Cystic Fibrosis and Chrons look bad on my resemay when I'm trying to get hired by airlines? Should a 14-year-old actually worry about this type of stuff? I'm just very worried that my Cystic Fibrosis and Chrons disease mat prevent me from being able to get a job as a pilot. Please respond, Luke