Touchdown! Greaser!
I comment wasn't meaning to imply how I thought you felt about it. It was really just stating how I feel. Not allowing any re-positioning after take off is a good rule to have. My attitude, is the need to re-position is eliminated if its not installed in the first place. But then again, my experience with an early GPS that was about the size and weight of an MRI machine kind of broke me of the desire to ever have anything on the yoke.
Gotcha. I wasn't meaning to imply anything by referring back to your post. My train of thought in my reply to it was we really don't need all those gadgets we use. But they are useful and are the norm nowadays. I was just clarifying in my response to @midlifeflyer 's post #33 that I wasn't mad at or blaming the CFI for bringing it along even though it was just a checkout flight. I'm hoping that guy might consider downsizing his. It wasn't MRI machine big, but it was the biggest thing I've ever seen any one hang on a yoke. Mostly I'm mad at myself for not anticipating what might happen when when he moved the clamp forward on the yoke tube. My bad, lesson learned