I gotta be honest, these numbers don't add up to me. You want to fly at least once or twice every weekend (say, 6 times a month), sometimes up to 3-4 times a week with occasional cross countries. That's a lot of flying. Sounds like you're looking to fly upwards of 30 hours a month for $600?
Your AvGas alone is going to run (30 hrs)*(8gph)*($6/gal) = $1440/mo at that rate. Even at the low end, flying "once or twice every weekend" you're probably going to spend 12 hours flying a month which is around $600 of gas. Then you need to account for ALL the other costs like hangar/tie-down, insurance, annual, engine reserve, G1000 updates, etc. As a comparison, I fly a Tiger which should have similar costs to all those planes you're looking at, and it costs me around $90/hr including fuel, plus ~$250/mo fixed costs, and that's in a four-way partnership.
Owning a plane is awesome -- don't get me wrong. But what I want to avoid is you blowing your $150k on a sweet plane, and then only being able to fly it 2 hours a month.