Final Approach
For a low time Private Pilot, which is more valuable to log: PIC or Training Time?
This question came from another thread where a newly minted PP is planning to fly XC with a CFI in the right seat.
Personally, I'd prefer not to have the training time (I know that you log both PIC and training), because I keep a mental note of the gap between training hours and PIC hours, and I want that gap to continue to grow so that training becomes a smaller percentage of my total hours.
This question came from another thread where a newly minted PP is planning to fly XC with a CFI in the right seat.
Personally, I'd prefer not to have the training time (I know that you log both PIC and training), because I keep a mental note of the gap between training hours and PIC hours, and I want that gap to continue to grow so that training becomes a smaller percentage of my total hours.