The Turn back -- for Real!

The contis are more popular, certainly.

But Lyc O-145 parts may be more available.... ;)

if you need a home for it i can get you in contact with a guy in Iowa who is limping along on his orphan O-145. He only has one or two parts engines, I'm sure he could use a third by now.
Sorry - misunderstood the question.

The plugs were *replaced* in 96 (according to the logs -- that' about 120 hours engine time ago).

They've been pulled and checked, cleaned, gapped since then, and compressions checks run each annual (78/80, 79/80,77/80,79/80 IIRC)

Helicoil inserts were stuck in another plug sometime in 2000?

Inspected to destruction.
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Hey Dan, I'm curious about your choice to wheel land and why? I'm not at all critical of it but was just wondering what was going through you mind when you did that instead of a normal 3-point attitude landing?

I was high and fast 2 miles out (intentionally -- if I lost all power I knew I could glide in). I slowed to 60 and slipped as far as the rudder would allow.

I was at 70+ when I was 5' off the runway (I usually land below 40 MPH when 3 pt). I had lots of energy and rapidly diminishing pavement. I rolled the upwind wheel on to increase drag.
Actually, I think thinking it through and practicing such an event made my ADM much more automatic and informed.

Apparently this is not uncommon. The plug is out and the threads in the block are smooth. After I landed I heard from a T-Craft owner and a Cub flier of the exact same thing happening -- in Continentals.


My mother (survivor of two engine failures back in the 40's) had the same thing happen with a Continental A65. I think the actual cause involves someone over tightening the plug although a CHT in excess of 450F could weaken the head enough to lose the threads and plug.

Get your mind out of the gutter! My first airplane ride involved a plug that popped out on an ancient A-65. He saved us with his quick thinking and piloting finesse, so I married him :).

Episodes that you are referring to may have happened, but they were later in the relationship :yikes:.

I think so. My 1946 A-65 has them.


Well, that fix was approved and accomplished today. My IA even consulted with the current O-145-b2 STC holder.


Wx was marginal today, so I'll wait to rescue...

My youngest brother's response to my blog account of this event:


Was it cool?

Yep, that's Phil...
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