The season of giving....

I really like mr. Mark Dice, he makes some funny videos. This is one he now does every year.

The zombie apocalypse

Amazon put a hurtin on me today....... Went to sushi lunch for Black Friday. Paid full retail price for two rolls, a drink and some pine chopsticks.

I'm spent......
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

The best time to go Christmas shopping is after Christmas.
When I was in Korea, we usually drank OB or Crown.

Man that ****ing OB, usually by the 3rd can I could enjoy the taste. Think that shet numbs your taste buds or something. All we could get on base (Osan) was Hamm's or Olympia, both ok with me. Drank OB off base, was Crown another Korean beer, or you talking about Crown Royal? Oh, and then there was Soju...wicked shet.
Yep, Crown was another Korean beer. Basic weak lager.

Yeah now I recall Crown. At the time (73-74) I believe that's all the choices there were. I must have preferred OB for some reason I guess. We usually would get shetfaced on base before heading to the "vil". Good times. "Hey GI you want _____", just fill it in with whatever you wanted.

What'd you work on over thar?
Yeah now I recall Crown. At the time (73-74) I believe that's all the choices there were. I must have preferred OB for some reason I guess. We usually would get shetfaced on base before heading to the "vil". Good times. "Hey GI you want _____", just fill it in with whatever you wanted.

What'd you work on over thar?

Yep, me and the group I hung out with mostly preferred OB and we pretty much kept the brewery in business.

I worked on US Army helicopters (UH-1H, OH-58, UH-60) at Camp Humphreys, 83-84.
I worked on US Army helicopters (UH-1H, OH-58, UH-60) at Camp Humphreys, 83-84.

Up north close to the DMZ eh? Korea was where I started learning to fly at the Aero Club. We didn't fly north though, just south lol. Hey I bet you knew Ms Kim? :D

Up north close to the DMZ eh? Korea was where I started learning to fly at the Aero Club. We didn't fly north though, just south lol. Hey I bet you knew Ms Kim? :D

Nah, Humphreys is near Pyeongtaek which is a little south of Osan.
Nah, Humphreys is near Pyeongtaek which is a little south of Osan.

Ah ok, now I remember. Our practice area was out that way. Looked at google earth awhile back and they really have built that place up. Think they moved units/equipment or something away from the DMZ that I read somewhere.
Give thanks during the day and then brawl it out at night.IMG_1248.JPG
You'd think people would have wised up to "online ordering, in-store pickup" by now...
99.99% sure if I was a Nike store employee after that mess, I would quit. Would not clean that up.
Usually I hear in the news about 2 or 3 people are crushed in a black Friday stampede. Anything like that happen this year?
There are two days per year that I am guaranteed to be inside, all day long. Black Friday, and New Year's Eve. Bargain-crazed shoppers and drunks are the two deadliest forms of humans.
Usually I hear in the news about 2 or 3 people are crushed in a black Friday stampede. Anything like that happen this year?
I haven't heard anything yet. There have been a few shootings/stabbings though if that counts?
I haven't heard anything yet. There have been a few shootings/stabbings though if that counts?
I thought there was at least one person reported dead in Jersey.

Victim of a shooting, not being crushed to death.
There should be combat medals presented to those who participate in this madness. A sad commentary on society. On tv this evening, showing a woman with a baby carriage , stealing gifts ordered on line from people's front porches. Merry Christmas!