I've read this entire thread, enjoyed it greatly, but there seems to be one viewpoint missing here, which can be summed up succinctly as: "Who cares?".
Let's say, for the moment, that the data shows that temperature increases ARE caused by humans. I'm willing to admit that this is certainly possible (along with a host of other possible causes) -- but, really, who cares?
Are we willing to dismantle our civilization based on this? Am I going to stop driving my truck and flying my airplane? Am I willing to go without air conditioning? Am I willing to allow the Gulf coast to be covered with giant windmills? Will I approve of 500 square mile solar collectors? Will I be willing to shut down our remaining industry in order to meet certain greenhouse gas emission targets?
The answer is "No."
So carry on, climate-change advocates. I'm not sure what you expect to happen, based on your findings, but if it requires inducing hardships greater than the perceived threat, on an already exasperated American public, you're in for an uphill battle.