The Right Way to Get a Weather Briefing

They always record your Weather Briefings. Would this show up somewhere that you actually obtained a Weather Briefing?
They always record your Weather Briefings. Would this show up somewhere that you actually obtained a Weather Briefing?

The website has it listed as an approved method. I'm guessing since you have to log into DUATS it records the brief.
This brings back memories.
Though on a 1200bd modem, I would hope there's an option to skip all the terrorist government bullc*ap that spews as a greeting. *sigh*
I know what I'm doing tonight! (Dusting off my old Pentium laptop and 28k modem and planning some $100 hamburger hops)
LOL. I don't know what all the fuss is about. This was just the normal way of doing it back when I started flying. ;)

I found this ancient copy of Aviation Weather Services ("C" model) and two printouts from the real honest to goodness FSS from back in the day, recently.


One is a Weather Depiction Chart, the other is a RADAR Summary, both from within a couple days of each other in Nov and Dec of 1991.

Printed on greenbar tractor feed paper but they flipped it over and the green is on the back. Ha.
Connect to LockMart via your 1200 Baud modem!

I really want to try this now before they discontinue the service

Bro... Your flying with an FMS that's based on an Apple IIc?