The Pig, Sat 6/9 (that's tomorrow if you're reading this today)

Damn, got someone coming to the house to begin some remodeling work tomorrow. Otherwise, I'd try to join in the face stuffing festivities with you two face stuffers.

Wow, that sounds a bit different than I intended. Maybe I should delete. Nah.
Dang! I’d sure love too, eman. I have to attend a funeral service in Dickson, TN. Take a rain check though!
Im halfway there already but staying in Louisville the rest of the weekend.
It's also the monthly cookout at Wings of Carolina at TTA. I probably won't make that either. I'm busy until noon.

Also, as a club member, it's difficult to get a last minute airplane, especially on weekends :(
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What is this pig, of which you speak?
It is privately owned, but open to the public. Used to be technically private/private but everyone knew they were invited.

So, not private, I think is what we’re both trying to say....
OTOH, KTTA is 100% public and about 15 minute flight away. Hamburgers, hot dogs and brats for a 5$ contribution. Cannot beat that with a stick, big blue hangar on the south end.

Come up after the pig, there's usually a few people around until 2 or so.
OTOH, KTTA is 100% public and about 15 minute flight away. Hamburgers, hot dogs and brats for a 5$ contribution. Cannot beat that with a stick, big blue hangar on the south end.

Come up after the pig, there's usually a few people around until 2 or so.

Well thanks for the (even more last minute than mine) invite but looks like we’re already headed to the pig. It’s nice to see at least one other person trying to get the southeast crew together, sort of.
Ok - if you decide to come over after lunch, I'll probably be there untiil about1:30-2 - wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt with GA airplanes on it. But no Bonoonys or Moonanzas or whatever.
Well thanks for the (even more last minute than mine) invite but looks like we’re already headed to the pig. It’s nice to see at least one other person trying to get the southeast crew together, sort of.
The Wings of Carolina deal is every moth, on the second Saturday. There are a few members here, so fly in any time :)
OTOH, KTTA is 100% public and about 15 minute flight away. Hamburgers, hot dogs and brats for a 5$ contribution. Cannot beat that with a stick, big blue hangar on the south end.

Come up after the pig, there's usually a few people around until 2 or so.

I’m not 100% but I think it’s no charge for guests. Only members pay the $5. Kinda backwards but I get it.

I was in California all week
I don't remember...I got held up and didn't get there until right before 1, but everything had already been put away??!

And I didn't find my lost sunglasses either...sigh.
Would love to attend. More notice next time please.

here's what I've found. last minute plans, which in GA is most of the time due to weather, yields the same result as months and months of notice. some people show, some people don't. also, I don't typically plan "lunch" months out. so, some stuff may be planned in advance, sometimes I'm just letting local people know where I'm going, even if it's last minute, and they can show or not show.
here's what I've found. last minute plans, which in GA is most of the time due to weather, yields the same result as months and months of notice. some people show, some people don't. also, I don't typically plan "lunch" months out. so, some stuff may be planned in advance, sometimes I'm just letting local people know where I'm going, even if it's last minute, and they can show or not show.