the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

Upgradeitis is a thing... I have about 180 hours in the C510 Citation Mustang which I have really been enjoying but the extra range and speed (400+ KTAS vs 350) has drawn me to the M2... Getting typed on it now.
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So this really isn’t worthy of its own thread but it’s still pretty cool! I did a deep dive into my 182 logs. Tail number N182AG. Turns out the original owner was A.G. Spanos. (Owner of the San Diego Chargers from 1984 till he passed in 2018). Looks like he learned to fly in my plane! He owned a bunch of different planes and all of the tail numbers ended with AG. Kinda cool, right?

In the 70s, I would see Spanos pick up Bob Hope at the Burbank airport in a JetStar and fly up to Stockton.
Dropped my bird off this morning for her first annual under my ownership.

I flew her around the pattern a couple laps to get the oil hot. Haven't flown in a couple weeks due to harvest. It feels more like a couple months. I forgot how much fun it is.
A week with out flying makes you weak.
Had the "Crud "for a week. No it's not Covid , just plain old fashioned crud like the olden days. Cough, cough., hack , spit , out with it .Nose ran like Niagra Falls for a few days.
But it's on the mend . First cup of coffee in a week. Tastes good. :)
Saw my first CWA airmet today during my preflight briefing from KEYE back home to KDPA. It was for a cell over KGYY.
Haven't flown in a couple weeks due to harvest. It feels more like a couple months. I forgot how much fun it is.
A week with out flying makes you weak.
My airplane's been in the paint and interior shop since June, and I miss it. I'm grateful to have had some ferry trips during this time, but it's just not the same.

I'm told there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and maybe ... just maybe next week ...

Saw my first CWA airmet today during my preflight briefing from KEYE back home to KDPA. It was for a cell over KGYY.
Ricks?! You should've called!
My airplane's been in the paint and interior shop since June, and I miss it. I'm grateful to have had some ferry trips during this time, but it's just not the same.

I'm told there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and maybe ... just maybe next week ...

I can't imagine. The thought of waiting months for paint or an engine sounds so painful. Do you have a club or rental plane to fly in the interim?

I would have to go up with an instructor if I didn't fly for more than a month...I can feel myself getting rusty after just a couple weeks.
Ricks?! You should've called!

I’m down for a trip there. I missed it this time. I was down in Indy visiting my folks at this year’s SCCA runoffs and had to bug out a little early due to weather.
My airplane's been in the paint and interior shop since June, and I miss it.
The finished product might be worthy of its own thread. When was the estimated completion date?
I'm told there is a light at the end of the tunnel
Hopefully that doesn't mean that they lost a flashlight in the tailcone. :)
I can't imagine. The thought of waiting months for paint or an engine sounds so painful. Do you have a club or rental plane to fly in the interim?
In July I was fortunate to have the opportunity to fly a nice TR182 from Phoenix to Seattle, and bring back a Mooney M20F. Pending sale the Mooney was stored in my hangar and I was able to fly it whenever I wanted, to keep the battery charged. When it was eventually sold in September I flew it from Phoenix to its new owner in Dallas. So between those two airplanes I was able to keep active.

The finished product might be worthy of its own thread. When was the estimated completion date?
They told me 10-12 weeks, so I'm not too surprised its taken this long. Roger does a very good job and I didn't want to rush him.
I was going to empathize with airplane deprivation, because my home airport was closed from April 1 until October 1. We got a new runway out of the deal, but having to keep the airplanes in other towns and drive to see them was a pain.

But then I added up my times for that period. I logged 43 flights, 122 landings, and 107.3 hours during the closure. So I guess I must really like flying, to drive that same boring drive over and over just to go fly for a little bit.
I flew last Thursday after not flying since July. Too hot, too busy and whatever lame excuse I could come up with. I sucked. Now that its starting to cool off into the high 80s during the day, I can fly more often but Thursday's flight sucked - did I mention that already?
I flew last Thursday after not flying since July. Too hot, too busy and whatever lame excuse I could come up with. I sucked. Now that its starting to cool off into the high 80s during the day, I can fly more often but Thursday's flight sucked - did I mention that already?

Start flying more man!
Dude, u should totally fly more.
Dude, u should totally fly more.

There it is again....I gotta see someone about these voices in my head. :(

Not making excuses because I could have got my adze out of bed early on my swing shift weeks or flown late in the evening on my day shift weeks or taken a day off from my weekend job of working on airplanes. I just don't enjoy being beat to hell and sweating my gonads off on the hot days of summer. We have a new record this year of the most consecutive days over 100 degrees. It also didn't help that Tucson had everyone landing into a swirly tail wind where no landing was stable. Landings were mediocre at best but speed control was more of an effort than it usually is. Having said that, it IS getting cooler and while the Northern guys are finishing their flying "season" ours in the desert is just ramping up. I have until April now before my next annual to log some hours. Then Broom Hilda will be down for a while as I just got my CGR30-P engine monitor and it will be installed then.
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Started the annual condition inspection last weekend.
The wife had a whole bunch of ideas about what I need to be doing at home today.
captain kirk has now been to the final frontier
Made a deal on the purchase of an enclosed hangar closer to home. Moving day will be coming up shortly and friends will be hard to find ... :D
I had to drive 6 hours to Tampa yesterday and back today instead of flying 2 hours because of one stupid broken rod end. Did I mention the weather was great and I would have had a tailwind both ways??! Ah, Airplanes

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I had to drive 6 hours to Tampa yesterday and back today instead of flying 2 hours because of one stupid broken rod end. Did I mention the weather was great and I would have had a tailwind both ways??! Ah, Airplanes

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That sucks. It's also why I'm still a club member even though I own a plane. I can't be bothered to drive like a peasant.
No words, really. “Dude” shows up at the brewery sporting a man bun, with a dog also sporting a man bun. Well I guess there is a word for it but…..

I don't know what the word is, but the lady who is facing the camera is thinking it very loudly.
:rofl: I didn't notice her until you pointed her out. That's histerical. That expression is memeworthy.
My wife commented that “with all the things you buy for flying you could have bought an airplane LOL”.

She has stumbled across our cult’s most important secret I’m sorry to say - spending money on gadgets and what not is a sacred duty. What say the collective to this security breach?

(She’s actually very supportive of this new hobby of mine. I take her to beaches and other fun places in return).
I made a video about the cost to operate a sling tsi

No words, really. “Dude” shows up at the brewery sporting a man bun, with a dog also sporting a man bun. Well I guess there is a word for it but…..


My grandmother used to wear her hair like that...
That young man is guilty of gender appropriation - stealing from traditional female hair styles. Someone should shame him.
Socks - hard to keep up.

When I was a young lad many, many years ago, socks were almost knee high, and cool tube socks were white with stripes.
Then they changed to lower calf high, and plain white.
Then all socks had to be just above the ankle - some white, some black.
Now in church today I see grown men wearing semi dress shoes with socks that low enough they give the appearance of no socks. All must be black.

On a related note - I've been informed that white New Balance are "Dad" shoes.

I'm too young to go completely "get off my yard" I don't care, but getting kind of old enough to care a lot less about this crap than I used to.