The Journey Begins - My Journal


Jun 7, 2014
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I will be using this thread as an introduction and will also use as a journal of my adventure in learning and training for PPL. I have read and gained great insight from others doing so..... why not do the same for me.

So to begin I must first rewind..... about 1 year to early summer last year. Girlfriend got tired of me staring at local airport every time we drove past and bought a discovery flight for my birthday. I always wanted to go, but always put off for one reason or another. This was truly the "kick in the pants" I needed.

One hour in C152 on beautiful summer afternoon and I was hooked. How and why did I wait 40 years for this?!?!? "No log book to purchase but should be getting in soon" he said. No problem and first lesson immediately scheduled for following weekend. Up in a Warrior being introduced to basic maneuvers and such. Still no log book. Next lesson scheduled but weather cancelled. Scheduled again and weather again :mad2:. And then life gets in the way..... we all know this story.

Fast forward to this year... ready to start again. Instructor no longer there so look around where to start over. At least I only lost 2 hours.... first lesson learned in always having log book and to be diligent on logging correctly.

June 8: First lesson at EYQ in C172 --Why did I wait so long again??? Basically a repeat of first lesson last year since starting over and seeing if I retained anything from a year ago. Explained to Chief Instructor but situation of needing lessons in evening and weekends for which he assured me I was in the right place.

June 17: EYQ in PA-28-161 -- Give the low wing a try
I like it better so will be the type I proceed in for majority of training. Instructor thinks introduction to importance of instruments is appropriate so this lesson includes .5 hours behind the visor for just very basic requests to fly certain headings or change in altitudes and me following based on instruments alone.

I sit down to schedule lessons for remainder of June and into July.... :nonod::mad:. No combination of plane and instructor available during evening or weekend until middle of July. Not me looking for a specific plane or specific instructor (ideal for both of course) but at all. WTH?!? "It is what it is". I was told it might be better to look elsewhere if serious and don't want to wait. Not sure how that works as a business model :dunno:

I'm not going to let this get me down and delay me again. I know there is better school and something out there for me. The search is on.

After talking to a few schools (better prepared what to ask now) I found one that "the gut" said was right. Many hours of reading had led me across quite a few articles about Cirrus. As debated as this topic can be, I figured it was worth checking into.

June 25: discovery flight and lesson at TME in SR 22 -- Holy crap!!!
Now this is what I'm talking about. Chief instructor not available but owner of company took me up. Most importantly, everything just "clicked". They followed a syllabus (never mentioned at other school) with dedicated ground lessons. He listed exactly how the training would go and when certain milestones would achieved. Just overall a very professional and detail oriented operation. Decision made to continue my training here.

July 12: TME-11R-TME in SR20 -- Gettin' down to business
Introduction to chief instructor and one that will be assigned to me. Just further comfirmation I have made the right choice. Flight includes fundamentals with touch and go landing at 11R. Introduction to basic radio communication... just listening and start to understand. Gotta love AC in Texas in the summer.

July 16: TME-60R-TME in SR20 -- Basics
Learn basics of turns while maintaining altitude, climbs, descents and a basic pattern work. Full stop and taxi at 60R. Introduction to auto pilot and some other cool capabilites of SR but not really what I am here for..... pretty cool nonetheless.

July 20: TME-ELA-TME in SR20 -- Radio and maneuvers
Some radio duties passed to me with intent of others in next lesson to quickly be entirely my responsibility. Two touch and go's at ELA. A lot of work on ground reference maneuvers (turns around a point, S turns and rectangle) -- got some work to do with these. One full stop back at TME and then back up for several times around for pattern work. Four landings total today. Getting the feeling and more comfortable with landings. Oh, instructor also "threw me a curve ball" on one take off as we cleared 500 ft AGL (important reference in Cirrus training as CAPS available) and he waited for 700 ft and reached over pulling power back to idle as "just lost engine, now what". Reflex to keep pressure on yoke for glide, look around quickly with no hope of anything as no way to turn around and still reach runway.... reach up for CAPS handle as best alternative. Whewwww, passed that first test.:eek: This is important part of Cirrus training evidently. Had no idea this scenario would be thrown at me this early so I peeled the leather following major pucker factor and continued flight as he eased power back in.

Well, this gets me up to today. Some ground lessons and flight simulator hours in there too, but no need to make this first one any longer than it already is. Kudos to you if still reading by this point :D
Sounds like you learned the important stuff early......that low wings rule!!! Have fun!
Welcome and congrats for finding a school that seems to fit. There will be ups and downs...stick with it. As many of us "newbie" private pilots can attest, it's well worth the effort you put into it!

Best of luck!
Welcome and congrats for finding a school that seems to fit. There will be ups and downs...stick with it. As many of us "newbie" private pilots can attest, it's well worth the effort you put into it!

Best of luck!

Thanks Wade. It was your journal that finally inspired me to start my own. Congratulations to you!
Sounds like a lot of fun! I'm glad to hear that TME has a school now, I learned at IWS and would head over to TME all the time to practice landing without 20 planes in the pattern... Brenham will become a second home for you, it's about the most fun a guy can have in the area. I'm sure that You'll also get familiar with LBX for lunch runs. CXO is great for tower work (other than SGR) and has a Black Walnut at the FBO (they open at 8:00 and serve breakfast). CXO also doesn't have the constant training like Hooks... You'll soon find EDC which I believe is a XC from TME. When you're up for it; head down to T54 for some sporty landings - just watch out for the dusters! Enjoy your flying and spend a little time every lesson doing fun stuff! Good luck!

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Which schools are out at TME?

Tidal Aviation operates out of TME. Training in Cirrus only though. I believe they also operate out of SGR.

Based on some conversations and comments they received special permission to provide lessons at TME as it is intended to remain primarily a regional jet center and they don't want a bunch of training flights in the area causing possible disruption to corporate and private operators.

It's pretty convenient to me with completion of 99 in that area so I hope it remains open to flight training based there.
CXO is great for tower work (other than SGR) and has a Black Walnut at the FBO (they open at 8:00 and serve breakfast). CXO also doesn't have the constant training like Hooks...

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I'm told TME will have tower working by fall this year. It's all still so new so not sure how accurate their construction estimates are.
July 24: TME-60R-TME in SR20 -- Short Field Takeoff and Slips
Introduction to short field takeoff and slips per the syllabus today. A little odd pushing throttle full forward and then still waiting for the power to build before releasing brakes. Totally understand why and the reasons, but just one of those odd first time things. Concentrated on Vx as part of the scenario based flight lesson in syllabus for short field takeoff and understanding of difference between Vx and Vy. Practiced basic maneuvers. Feel like I did better today than last time. Picked up heading for Navasota. Absolutely no other traffic in the area (or at least on the radio) so typical enter on downwind and turn to base and final. Oooops, coming in a little high and just a little too fast. And this is where I know me and CFI make great partner becasue I set him up perfectly to demonstrate a slip :D. Pretty cool feeling right there for the first time. He got us lined up and back to me (for the most part) for landing. Yep, just in case anyone might be confused..... I'm still student and he is the intructor. Return trip we used auto pilot in order to concentrate and talk through some other items important to be thinking about during flight -- where are we going, distance out and elevation now for plan of descent, radio frequency on now from departure and switching for new arrival, check of weather, etc. For the most part made sense and first little click (very minor.... really faint but I could feel it) that I was getting it. Again, no other traffic in area and lined up for straight in on final to TME. Really gave me time to put it all together and feel good about the landing.... CFI confirmed it was 90% me on the landing with only some slight input from him on last little pull back for flare. Overall good lesson.
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July 26: TME-ELA-TME in SR20 -- Uuugggghhhhhhh!!!!
Second flight with my new ANR headset from Squawk Shoppe and first time with adapter for Go Pro recording flight and all communication. Worked perfect so now just need to organize the setup and wires.

Demonstrated proper short field take off although I need to work on correct rudder for this as let's just say I made full use of the runway width. Different than rolling into the power. Today's lesson is to be stalls (power on and off) and steep turns. We head west to open area for practice.... do 180 for clearing and he demonstrates a power off stall and recovery with plenty of narration along the way. Now my turn. Another 180 for clearing and I go through the same steps with some coaching from him..... definitely not as gracefull and didn't hold my heading with same precision, but pretty good I think. He then put us into steep turn pretty much immediately to continue with lesson. Didn't have my poker face on evidently because he looked over with comment "you let me know if not feeling good during any of this". Well, as a matter of fact I'm feeling a little uneasy and really clammy with some sweating. Crap. What is going on? Evidently I got a little motion sickness which is somewhat normal? Crap. Level off and proceed to ELA for a couple touch and go's and then back to TME. Although still a little odd feeling I was doing better but certainly distracted and difficult to focus. Crap. Power on stalls will have to wait until next lesson. Still learned a few things and time at the yoke is always good, but today was a little setback. But still lovin' it so the adventure continues.