The Great Monkey Race: Progress Thread

How come you guys aren't taking pictures of yourselves with the monkey? 6PC puts pics of himself on the net all the time and nothing happens to him. What is to there to worry about? LOL Like I said, if 6PC does it..........


I'm really pretty though



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How come you guys aren't taking pictures of yourselves with the monkey? 6PC puts pics of himself on the net all the time and nothing happens to him. What is to there to worry about? LOL Like I said, if 6PC does it..........


There you go... also remember my socks are in one of the original posts.
How come you guys aren't taking pictures of yourselves with the monkey? 6PC puts pics of himself on the net all the time and nothing happens to him. What is to there to worry about? LOL Like I said, if 6PC does it..........


Hush, or the monkey gets it.

If the monkey doesnt make it into N Texas today he may not get in or out for a week due to weather.
Are you sure the monkey hasn't escaped and there isn't a decoy in his place?
So those of you that have seen Sac now, is he a real person or a figment of our imagination?

how come Denver gots a POA shirt?!?

I bought it. We used to have such things. Someone (I have no idea who) went through the brain damage to get them available via a vendor. It's got a permanent lunch stain though, and it's time for a new one with the 80's video game logo. ;)
Meeting at BGD works for me. I'm good to fly again. Whatever was in my ear has cleared up.

So to get this back on track...

When do you want to meet up somewhere?

Monkey was making noises like he needs more air inside that sealed up envelope so I was considering taking him to the shooting range to put some nice round holes in the envelope, because Sac didn't pop any proper air holes for him. ;)

Maybe I better just pass him on. :) :) :)
Haven't read the whole thread, wondering anyone mention that Brady Bunch episode where they went to HI and there was some little amulet, how'd that work out again?:lol:
So to get this back on track...

When do you want to meet up somewhere?

Monkey was making noises like he needs more air inside that sealed up envelope so I was considering taking him to the shooting range to put some nice round holes in the envelope, because Sac didn't pop any proper air holes for him. ;)

Maybe I better just pass him on. :) :) :)

Making air holes sounds like a really good idea.

I'm not really inclined to accept custody of the monkey until someone steps up to meet for transfer. What is wrong with you TX, OK, KS pilots??? pull yer cranium out of yer lower orifice and commit to meet!
Don't you people know if you forward this monkey, Bill Gates will give you $1M? And if you don't, you'll have bad luck within 30 days???

Heh. Monkey actually is good luck. He rode with me to Lowes to see if they'd price match Sears (and it turns out, themselves) for Black Friday for the fridge we had to buy Nov 1st when our old one crapped out.

They did! It was already $600 off when we bought it, they refunded another $800 tonight!

:) Yay monkey! :)
I'm taking a look at the PoA Member map, fixin to call out some folks.......
murphey and everskyward, where are these non-monkey-toting pilots?!?!?

murphey and everskyward, where are these non-monkey-toting pilots?!?!?


It is not the Denver pilots who are a problem. It is the pilots who might meet them that are currently mouth breathing, slack jawed,

Adjust thy sights or forever be monkeyless....
It is not the Denver pilots who are a problem. It is the pilots who might meet them that are currently mouth breathing, slack jawed,

Adjust thy sights or forever be monkeyless....

my sights are adjusted just fine.

we don't immediately need a handoff pilot, we need to keep moving the monkey towards the right coast before he gets restless.
my sights are adjusted just fine.

we don't immediately need a handoff pilot, we need to keep moving the monkey towards the right coast before he gets restless.

na, na, na. Find a hand-off further east, not a hand-off in Denver.

Maybe you don't deserve the monkey...
na, na, na. Find a hand-off further east, not a hand-off in Denver.

Maybe you don't deserve the monkey...

I got a better idea, unless you got something productive to offer, stay out of the thread.
People, people. Monkey lives matter! We must put our differences aside for the greater good!
So you guys want the air holes done with the AK-47's crappy iron sights. Got it.


I would have gone with the AR, myself... One with optics mounted so I didnt accidentally hit Mr. Monkey, or a pistol at 5 yards, but nooooo. You guys had to request the AK... LOL!

(You guys make this tooooo easy. And no, I'm not really going to aerate the monkey's envelope. He's been too nice to me. Haha.)

As far as Clark's reluctance to depart goes, seems to make sense to me. Doesn't do any good to get Mr. Monkey "further east" to somewhere he will be stranded and lonely at some FBO for months. Keep yer pants on Eman. (Grin...)

Just need to know who's willing to fly to somewhere within 500 nm of cowtown here so he knows which general direction to head... Being thanksgiving week and all if Mr. Monkey is stuck here during the holidays we'll feed him turkey.

But surely someone has Friday off and needs an excuse to get far far away from the Missus on Black Friday??? Heh.

Monkey is just an unwanted refugee and a political pawn in game of monkey life... We should name him Mongo.
I've got a route to cover - at CWC now, but should be in Abilene at some point before heading back to DFW hopefully tomorrow evening if the weather allows. Should also be in ODO sometime lunch or shortly after tomorrow.
So, has the monkey met the Second Ammendment yet Nate?

Nah. Been busy with work. Holidays unfortunately are great times to do those system patches on systems that "can't have downtime" without riling too many people up.
I'm not "off" tomorrow but I'm working from home and can make monkey deliveries mid day or evening. Also around most of the weekend.
Denver POA lunch Friday or Saturday?
So you guys want the air holes done with the AK-47's crappy iron sights. Got it.


Be careful with that tech advanced weapon. :lol:

This is how we roll in Texas.

The .220 Swift on top with the ND-3 green laser designator will get you at night at a half a mile if I'm on my game.

If that doesn't work, the custom .250 Savage built around a Mauser action in the middle will eat you up at 250 yards.

And if you're in brush or light woods the 30.06 on the bottom will break branches and kill you with it's iron/scope sights before your AK warms up. ;):D