Tied Down
Nice story ending, and a new one beginning.
brutal south winds on the surface today. so much wind that we'll be pushing record highs in Wichita, low to mid 60's!
Yeah, it's going to be a slow flight. Sigh...
Think of it as more time, to reflect, ponder, meditate, instruct and enjoy your last trip while contemplating how much faster-quicker-slicker the new ride will be.
A positive spin, for certain.
We'll see you at 5:30. Will just have to leave a bit earlier to get there.
found the pictures. they were about 8 meg each. a little big to post here. i'll try to email you one
I hope you packed a hanky.Final leg of final flight. It's time.
Beautifully written, my love.
I also love the "changing careers" comment. I have never identified myself with an object so well as I do with the Aztec right now.
What a wonderful write up, Ted! Amazing how attached we get to these wonderful flying machines isn't it.
I still have very fond memories of my A-36. While it was a great plane, it took me on some wonderful adventures with some of the folks I was closest too and those still stand out in my memory like I'm sure they do for you.
Great to see you. Hope you get down this-a-way again soon.
I'll PM you on another matter.
Just heard Harlingen Tower talking to Ted - could not hear Ted's side for some reason - but they cleared him for the option. Maybe Ted's getting one last pass for old time's sake.
Ten thousand hours and more, and it ends here. I know it's "just" a machine, but in the hands of a good soul, what a machine!
Nice work Ted (and Laurie and Danos). Many barks and more than a few mews continue thanks to y'all and Two Seven Yankee.
...and he'll pull mixtures, one last time, hear the gyros spin down, one last time, give her a pat on the nose...
...shucks, there's something in my eye again.
I hope you packed a hanky.