Hah, spooky. "blast fence, 85 ft fm rwy"Had an instructor take us off the end of the runway at KLAM, using the slope downward to build up enough speed to successfully fly. Had it not been for the slope, we would have run off the end of the runway and crashed.
I learned what not to do that day. I also learned how to pick an abort point.
In all honestly, aside from flying with Tony working on commercial maneuvers, and flying with a retired Piedmont Airlines pilot learning wingovers, I haven't learned a damn thing from a flight instructor except what not to do.
Which Tony did you fly with? I know one, and am curious.
Another comment about pilotage and landmarks.
I'm to the stage in my lessons where we're flying between Hidden Valley (5TX0) and Alliance (KAFW) so we can do T-n-G's at Alliance. After we're done with our RH pattern on 16R, we are cleared to a LH turn to head back to 5TX0. This path takes between Northwest Regional (52F) and the western edge of Lake Grapevine. We're motoring along at 2000ft.
Not knowing any different I set a course which was going to overfly a small portion of the lake.
"Steer a bit to the left," coached Tom. "Lake Grapevine 'belongs' to DFW airport. And they are busy enough without worrying about handling us too."
When I got home, I checked the sectional, and sure enough, the entire lake is within one of the rings surrounding DFW.
So Instructor Tom continues to do a good job pointing out the landmarks so I can not only find my way from point A and point B, but I can do so entering any airspaces I shouldn't be.
Well, you know, everything within 30 miles is within one of the rings. The northwest third of the lake is not bravo to the surface though. 2000 is theirs, but if you'd dropped down just a little, you'd have been technically ok.
But I agree with the recommendation. As a pax, I've come in over Grapevine lake many times. Staying clear keeps DFW from getting nervous if you catch a thermal and don't notice. Plus, terminal radar is slant range, so a little buffer is your friend for ensuring you don't bust bravo.
Going midfield over 52F keeps you out of the way of those Northwest Regional's rwy traffic, and keeps you perpendicular to the DPs & STARs in that area.