You, the pilot, may be willing to do non stop 1000 mile runs, but I can comfortably predict that your passengers will agree to do it just once - going there...
Coming back you will be alone and they will be at FL400 sipping a cocktail...
The wife in the backseat is just the exception that proves the rule... Love is blind...
Me, in a clapped out old Apache with 6 hours of fuel (8 if I throttle back) plans my fuel stops for 3.5 hours average... As much as I love flying it gets old fast once the aches and pains start in... Need to get out, take a whiz, walk around, and mentally let down... There is not much mental strain in XC after a half century of doing it but the noise wears at you...
Why are you in such an all fired hurry to get out of the airplane and into a car? We (supposedly) fly for fun... Stop at different airports, talk with the lineboy, read the bulletin board... Out in the boonies drop down to 500 feet and look at the scenery... We are the one tenth of one percent of the people in this country who are privileged to see the land from our perspective... People go to great lengths just to look out from the top of the Empire State Building or from the Arch in St. Louis or from the top of LookOut Mountain, and we can do the same thing anytime we choose... How quickly we become jaded...