The average.....

Actually, 4.2 is the average number of posts it takes here at POA to go off topic to the point where the original topic is no longer recognizable. I've conducted a semi-scientific study of all posts within the last, ummmm...ten days should do it, and that's what I come up with. The red board averages only 1.7 posts so were doin' pretty good. Congradulations and keep up the good work! Detractors in the area please advise! Over?
I was wondering what kind of headset to get.
Actual photo of John in the Hawker simulator.

No it isn't you guys. (best eric cartman voice)
I thought that actually was 6 but hey if it's 4.2 then that's even better.
Actually, 4.2 is the average number of posts it takes here at POA to go off topic to the point where the original topic is no longer recognizable. I've conducted a semi-scientific study of all posts within the last, ummmm...ten days should do it, and that's what I come up with. The red board averages only 1.7 posts so were doin' pretty good. Congradulations and keep up the good work! Detractors in the area please advise! Over?

I like shooting NDB approaches.
Adult oriented message below: Scroll down for answer :)
What we have been telling women is 8 inches all along? :dunno:
Any 4.2's in the area, please advise.
hmmm, Douglas Adams appeared in Monty Pythons 42nd episode. Coincidence?
It took 33 posts for the moderator to spot it as totally off-topic for Pilot Training and move it to Hangar Talk where it belongs. Was this a test for me?

OK, my answer... The average number of wrong turns you make before arriving at your destination. ;)

So what do the passengers say when you make those wrong turns... or do you just tell them "ATC made me do it";)

So what do the passengers say when you make those wrong turns... or do you just tell them "ATC made me do it";)

LOL, I wasn't referring to me. Inside joke, sorry. ;)

That's not to say that I haven't made wrong turns....
The average number of posts before I make a sexist remark. :D