"Teen who stormed Arkansas airport with AR-style rifle and demanded a plane stopped by ‘heroic’ armed pilot"

Waiting for the medical thread, "Former aggravated assault, attempted aggravated robbery & making terroristic threats student pilot wonders if HIMS required" ...
“Does a citizen’s arrest count as a “arrest” for the medical form?”
“Does a citizen’s arrest count as a “arrest” for the medical form?”

Well ... https://law.justia.com/codes/arkansas/title-16/subtitle-6/chapter-81/subchapter-1/section-16-81-106/

(d) A private person may make an arrest where he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that the person arrested has committed a felony.

Next you'll want to know what constitutes "reasonable grounds" ... :biggrin:

Dunno if it applies to a medical form or not but it does appear he was interested in airplanes.
I know it's a joke, but there's no need to report arrests (other than operating vehicles under the influence) on the medical. A conviction on the other hand is sure to follow.
Aka, better to have and not need, than to need and not have…
"One time in a hundred a gun might save your life; the other ninety-nine it will just tempt you into folly."

- Robert Heinlein

Though I personally don't object to law-abiding citizens carrying.....

Ron Wanttaja
Give that pilot a round of applause.
When he barrelled in I would have recoiled in horror, browning my shorts as I set my sights for the door.
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Waiting for the medical thread, "Former aggravated assault, attempted aggravated robbery & making terroristic threats student pilot wonders if HIMS required" ...
Naw we would never get the full story in the post. The real question would be:

On the way to visit family and got arrested near an airplane, police said I was drunk, but I wasn’t driving or flying, no DUI charges were filed but I was arrested. How to get first class medical and chances of working with the legacy airlines?
Rifle through what you want, the story isn't changing.
Not trying to barrel ahead without all of the pertinent facts, not wanting my thoughts to bolt in one direction or another. I've just set my sights on determining whether there was an effort to muzzle or suppress the witnesses or the accused. That could trigger a more targeted investigation.
Airport security should be terminated for breech of duty.
The intervening pilot has some brass balls.
This story is another black eye on aviation. We need more bullet trains.