Technical assistance .NET


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I know there are lot of programmers on here.
I have a program I have written in .NET 4.0

I shipped it off to India to have someone integrate it with Facebook and twitter.

I get it back and it works beautifully but any thing I change on the winforms physically is not reflected at runtime.

Something as simple as moving a button, or adding a text box.
Click run (debug) and the form pre modification is displayed.

Now. I went to dinner, came home clicked debug and I got the modified form.
Why is the original being held in memory and changes not reflected as soon as they are made. I have seen this with web based apps but these are windows forms.

Main issue is I didn't want to give a full functioning program to a stranger so I removed a lot of junk and wish to add it back. but I add it and in design mode, it looks great. Run it and I see the old forms.

Any thoughts.

Newly migrated the solution from 2008 to 2013 so I am in a somewhat foreign IDE to me.
Is your form a separate project in the solution? If so make sure that project is building by default. I've accidentally unselected a project in the build menu with a similar result.

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So what is happening is I have the Dll included in references and naturally in object browser all of the namespaces show up and everything looks great.

As soon as I click build, all of the namespaces go missing. and I get undefined variable errors.

I can remove references, add them back, and everything returns in the object browser.

Google tells me to change target frame work from .NET 4.0 client profile to straight up .Net 4.0 which I have done.

Pi$$ing me off because it compiles great on another machine.
The developer that helped me went AWOL after I paid him of course.

Its killing me because this one error is in between me and making some passive income.
So what is happening is I have the Dll included in references and naturally in object browser all of the namespaces show up and everything looks great.

Wait.. which dll? Do you have two projects, with the WinForms app referring to the dll from a class library? Have you tried using a project reference instead of a direct reference to the binary?
1 project
Several dll files. all the twitter dll files

Oh, I see your problem. You're writing in VB. God punishes that. ;)

Next things I would look at are whether the dlls are being copied to the output directory, and I'd take another look at the build options to make sure nothing looks weird.

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Ok I think I have this figured out. (sortof)

What I did:

I created a simple Windows Form project, downloaded the Zip file from, and was able to repro the problem with a slightly different error message when I would target 4.0 or Client profile 4.0. It did not repro when I targeted 4.5.

I just did a simple one line of code "Dim foo as TwitterCredentials"

I then removed all the manual references (actually I started with a new project), had the project target 4.0, but this time instead of downloading the zip, I installed the references via the package manager console:

* Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Console.
* Type "Install-Package TweetInviAPI" to install the nuget package. This will also install other dependent packages as well.

This then compiled with no errors.

I think what is happening, without actually comparing them is that the download zip contains binaries that are all targeting 4.5, but since your project is 4.0, this is causing a problem.

Can you try to update your project to use nuget to install the packages instead? I'd make a backup of your vbproj just in case if you aren't using source control.
I will try that this evening.
Thank you for doing all that.

really cool.
also check read-only attributes, and check every project in your solution for the client profile thing... always messes up my references.
Ok I think I have this figured out. (sortof)

What I did:

I created a simple Windows Form project, downloaded the Zip file from, and was able to repro the problem with a slightly different error message when I would target 4.0 or Client profile 4.0. It did not repro when I targeted 4.5.

I just did a simple one line of code "Dim foo as TwitterCredentials"

I then removed all the manual references (actually I started with a new project), had the project target 4.0, but this time instead of downloading the zip, I installed the references via the package manager console:

* Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Console.
* Type "Install-Package TweetInviAPI" to install the nuget package. This will also install other dependent packages as well.

This then compiled with no errors.

I think what is happening, without actually comparing them is that the download zip contains binaries that are all targeting 4.5, but since your project is 4.0, this is causing a problem.

Can you try to update your project to use nuget to install the packages instead? I'd make a backup of your vbproj just in case if you aren't using source control.


That did it.
If you pass through this way, I owe you a beer.
A few actually.
