TAS Calc Help.

....For example...

What does "2 MIN" mean below?


I always thought that meant the amount of time you could take a nap while making a full 360* standard rate turn.
Yep like what is that knobby wheel on the floor that rolls back and forth. :)
I don't mind having instruments and controls I don't understand...it's that constant smell of burning electrical things that really bothers me...
Set your altimeter to 29.92. Read the pressure altitude off it. Set the pressure altitude on the slider around your airspeed indicator. Read the TAS. That simple.
Maybe too simple.

Most need OAT input as well, right?


Right. Funny I thought about that right before I clicked the link seeing there was a new post on this thread :)

Add oat. Still simple :)
Maybe too simple.

Most need OAT input as well, right?


And, why do we care about the difference between indicated and pressure altitude for TAS? If the altimeter setting is 29 or 31 -- rather extreme -- it makes a two knot difference. Even ATC doesn't care if it's less than 10.
And, why do we care about the difference between indicated and pressure altitude for TAS? If the altimeter setting is 29 or 31 -- rather extreme -- it makes a two knot difference. Even ATC doesn't care if it's less than 10.

Because the plane is for sale :)
What does not owning your own airplane have to do with needing to know how to determine true airspeed?



When you own your own airplane, TAS is no longer a factor:D Just buy soimething with HUGE fuel tanks:goofy:

No argument there. But how do you accurately determine your ground speed unless you know your true airspeed?



Now Mike ... didn't they show you where GS is on Foreflight on your Ipad? Same place on your Iphone backup (backup#2). Lower left corner on the G-530 in the panel (backup #3).:lol: GPS and/or IPad failure should be on your MEL:eek:

The magenta line moves too:yesnod:

Next week we'll discuss new age pre-flight weather review:yikes:

On a serious note, I did a flight plan the "old fashioned" way last year using the E6B, NavLog, etc. That was painful.
Too bad the tail number wasn't 546AC, then his screen name could have been Six Alpa Chino.

I can't believe you put your PoA screen name on your panel. That's just wierd.
