Take offs... Flight Training just called most of them "acts of desperation"


Pattern Altitude
Sep 20, 2014
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They suggested getting the nose wheel a few inches off the runway as soon as possible, and as speed builds relax back pressure until the plane just decides to fly. I guess my takeoffs are acts of desperation!
Works great on all tricycle gear airplanes. Another bonus is that is about the right pitch angle for the climb so you have a very smooth lift off and transition to climb. On tailwheel airplanes I lift the tail just off the ground in a tail low attitude and again the airplane lifts off when it is ready to fly and is at about the right climb angle. I rarely look at the airspeed indicator until going through 100ft. Don
It might make for a smoother takeoff but it also results in a longer takeoff roll. The lower the AOA before takeoff speed, the less drag from lift before you can use it resulting in faster acceleration.
In a tail wheel airplane it depends on the airplane. On one of my airplanes as soon as she starts rolling I pick the tail up to help in acceleration on the other the tail stays on the ground until the airplane flies off the ground.

The first has a huge rudder and can over come most anything thrown at it. The second airplane has a small rudder and the elevator is effective before the rudder. If you pick that tail up before take off a very good chance you will do a ground loop.

Depends on the airplane when you pick the tail up on a tail wheel.

Your description sounds like nearly a soft field take off technique, which is not a normal everyday technique.
Under normal conditions, no strong cross winds and with a paved runway, I would start out with a slight back pressure as you add power. As the flight controls take effect on the take off run, adjust the back pressure to maintain a constant attitude, nose wheel nearly off the runway and the plane will fly itself off the runway when it's ready.

There's no need to hurry to get the nose wheel off the runway for normal take offs. All that does for you is create large changes in pitch pressures during the take off roll. Once you get farther along in your training and are actually practicing soft and short field take offs, then you can do that.

The key here is to use some finesse in flying a plane.
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AFH 5-3, but I recommend you read the entire normal take-off portion to get a better feel for the intent.

"When all the flight controls become effective during
the takeoff roll in a nosewheel-type airplane, backelevator
pressure should be gradually applied to
raise the nosewheel slightly off the runway, thus
establishing the takeoff or lift-off attitude. This is
often referred to as “rotating.” At this point, the
position of the nose in relation to the horizon should
be noted, then back-elevator pressure applied as
necessary to hold this attitude. The wings must be
kept level by applying aileron pressure as necessary.
The airplane is allowed to fly off the ground while in
the normal takeoff attitude."
Great reference, Jim.

That's how I do it and how I taught it in the past.

It does sometimes conflict just a bit with what some POH's want, often having Vr well in excess of "when all the flight controls become effective".

I find, in general, beginning back pressure just as the bottom of the white arc is approached works pretty well in most small GA planes.
POH wins if in conflict.

Just make sure what the POH is describing is also the type of takeoff you're trying to perform. I have seen very few POH references to anything but short field or soft field takeoffs. If you want to meet chart performance, the short field technique in the POH is what wins. If you want to get out of a sticky or rough field, the soft field technique (if one is published) in the POH wins. Otherwise, a "normal" technique, whatever that entails, is appropriate.

Keep in mind that either soft field technique or "normal" technique will negate any charted performance.