Taiwanese Take on TSA groping

Just watched it: You need to pause it in a couple places to take a closer look at what the scanner finds.
I just heard the TSA is going to change their motto.

Transportation Security Administration: We love you long time!



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TSA: We love you long time!

TSA: Fly the overly-friendly skies!

TSA: If we don't get off, you don't get on.

TSA: There's something special in your pants

TSA: We're not happy until you're not happy

TSA: We love your fly, and it shows

TSA: Aer LIngus? We'll show you Aer Lingus

TSA: Is that a WMD in your pants or are you just happy to see us?
Sent this to my family. (Wife is Taiwanese)
The terrorist with the popcorn was hilarious and probably about as close to the truth as it gets.