I'll give ya 6000 and 10000 ft, std temp. max weight, leaned to peak TIT
2400/24 (74%) 139kts 14.2gph
2200/26 (75%0 141ktas 13.8
2000/28 (74%) 140 13.2
2300/22 (65%) 134 @12.1
2200/22 (63%) 132 @11.5
2000/24 (62%) 131 @11.2
2400/24 (75%) 145 @ 14.5
2200/26 (76%) 146 @ 14.0
2000/28 (75%) 145@13.3
2300/22 (66%) 137@12.3
2200/22 (64%) 135@11.7
2000/24 (63%) 134@11.3
I don't fly at peak TIT - that's redline at anything below, say, 12000ft in my experience (1685degF). I have had success LOP 2300/25 40deg LOP about 139ktas @ 11.7 gph, TIT about 1640. Since some people, including Lycoming employees and my A&Ps freak out about LOP and TITs above 1600, lately I've been running 100deg ROPTIT, 1585deg, I flight plan 145ktas@14gph, usually do around 13.7gph., 2400/25". YMMV