smigaldi said:
Interesting. At this point I wonder if the local police have any real jurisdiction.
Sure they do.
(a) No person may act or attempt to act as a crewmember of a civil aircraft—
(1) Within 8 hours after the consumption of any alcoholic beverage;
(2) While under the influence of alcohol;
(3) While using any drug that affects the person's faculties in any way contrary to safety; or
(4) While having .04 percent by weight or more alcohol in the blood.
(b) Except in an emergency, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated or who demonstrates by manner or physical indications that the individual is under the influence of drugs (except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that aircraft.
(c) A crewmember shall do the following:
(1) On request of a law enforcement officer, submit to a test to indicate the percentage by weight of alcohol in the blood, when—
(i) The law enforcement officer is authorized under State or local law to conduct the test or to have the test conducted; and
(ii) The law enforcement officer is requesting submission to the test to investigate a suspected violation of State or local law governing the same or substantially similar conduct prohibited by paragraph (a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(4) of this section.
(2) Whenever the Administrator has a reasonable basis to believe that a person may have violated paragraph (a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(4) of this section, that person shall, upon request by the Administrator, furnish the Administrator, or authorize any clinic, hospital, doctor, or other person to release to the Administrator, the results of each test taken within 4 hours after acting or attempting to act as a crewmember that indicates percentage by weight of alcohol in the blood.
(d) Whenever the Administrator has a reasonable basis to believe that a person may have violated paragraph (a)(3) of this section, that person shall, upon request by the Administrator, furnish the Administrator, or authorize any clinic, hospital, doctor, or other person to release to the Administrator, the results of each test taken within 4 hours after acting or attempting to act as a crewmember that indicates the presence of any drugs in the body.
(e) Any test information obtained by the Administrator under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section may be evaluated in determining a person's qualifications for any airman certificate or possible violations of this chapter and may be used as evidence in any legal proceeding under section 602, 609, or 901 of
As of August 1, 1994
| Provisions | FWI Law |
|Implied BAC Report| Code | Year |
State |Consent Level to FAA| Section |Enacted|
Alabama | | | |AL Code ss 4-2-79| |
Alaska | Yes |0.08 | Yes |AK Stat. 2.30.030| 1994 |
| |>0.04| | |tech. |
| |no FWI | |amdt. |
| |presumed | | |
Arizona | Yes |0.04 | Yes |AZ RS Ann 28-1750| |
Arkansas| Yes |0.04 | Yes |AR RS 27-116-101 | 1993 |
California|Yes |0.04 | Yes |CA PUC 21407.5 | |
Colorado| Yes |0.04 | Yes |CO RS 41-2-101 | |
Connecticut| | | | | |
Delaware| | | | | |
Florida | | | |FL S Ann. 15-77 | |
Georgia | Yes |0.04 | Yes |GA C Ann. 6-2-5.1| |
Hawaii | Yes |0.02 | Yes |HI RS 263A-1 | 1991 |
| |0.04 | | | |
Idaho | Yes |0.04 | Yes |ID Code 21-112(a)| |
Illinois| | | |ILRS Ch. 15 1.2/ | |
| | | |22.43d(a) | |
Indiana | | | |IN C Ann 8.21-4-8| |
Iowa | | | |IA C Ann 328.41 | |
Kansas | Yes |0.10 | Yes |KS S Ann. 3-1001 | |
Kentucky| Yes |0.04 | Yes |KY RS Ch. 183 | 1992 |
Louisiana| Yes |0.10 | Yes |LA RS Ann. 14:98 | |
Maine | Yes |0.02 | Yes |ME RS Ann. tit. 6| 1993 |
| |0.04 | |ss.202 | |
Maryland| | | |MD C Ann. 5-1000 | |
Mass. | Yes |0.10 | Yes |MA GL Ann Ch90 | |
| | | |ss. 44 | |
Michigan| Yes |0.04 | Yes |MI C Ann 259.185(1)| |
Minnesota| Yes |0.04 | Yes |MN S Ann 360.0752| |
Miss. | | | |MS C Ann 61-11-1 | |
Missouri| Yes |0.04 | Yes |HB 562 Sec. 8.1 | 1993 |
Montana | Yes |0.04 | Yes |MT C Ann 67-1- | 1987 |
| | | |204(7) | |
Nebraska| Yes |0.05 | Yes |NE RS 28-1465 | |
Nevada | | | |NV RS Ann 493.130| |
New Hamp| Yes |0.04 | Yes |NH RS Ann 422.34 | |
New Jersey| | | |NJ S Ann 6:1-18 | |
New Mexico| | | |NM S Ann Ch 64 | |
New York| | | |NY GBL 245(7) | |
N. Carolina| | | |NC GS 63-27(a) | |
North | | | |ND Cent.C. 2-03 | |
Dakota | | | |10(02) | |
Ohio | | | |OH C Ann. 4561.15(c)| |
Oklahoma| Yes |0.04 | Yes |OK S Ann Tit. 3 | |
| | | |ss.301 | |
Oregon | | | |OR RS 193.160 | |
Pennsylvania| | | | | |
Rhode Island| | | | | |
S. Carolina|Yes |0.04 | Yes |SC C Ann 55-1-100| |
S. Dakota| | | |SD CL Ann 50-13-17| |
Tennessee| Yes |0.04 | Yes |TN C Ann 42-1-201| 1994 |
Texas | | | |TX RCS Ann art | |
| | | |46f-3(2) | |
Utah | Yes |0.04 | Yes |UT C Ann ss2-6-101| 1993 |
Vermont | | | |VT S Ann tti 5 ss427| |
Virginia| | | |VA C Ann 5.1-13 | |
Washington| | | |WA RC Ann 47.68.220| |
W. Virginia| | | |WV C 29-2A-11 | |
Wisconsin| | | |WI S Ann 114.09(1)| |
Wyoming | | | |WY Stat 10-6-103(A)| |
Total | 23 |.02/.04 (2) |
| |.04 (15) |
| |.05 (1) |
| |.10 (4) |
| | | 23 |