Suspected drunk pilot kept off Omaha flight

Being drunk does cloud your judgement, but this far?

Plus, if the bus driver missed that, I am sure flight crew would've noticed.
Just read the article. This reminds me - about that 8-hour bottle to throttle thing - I read my new rental agreement and it says I can't rent their planes if I've had a beer TWELVE hours before my flight. So even my place has "stricter" rules than the FAA guidelines / rules.
Simple solution. Drink scotch or wine instead of beer.
There is a little more story to this one... A CHQ pilot on another forum knew some of the crew and said that they rode in different vans to the airport. The crewmember who was arrested had overslept took a later van. No one in the crew saw him before he was arrested that day.

Moral of the story, don't drink and fly. Most airlines have a 12 hour bottle-to-throttle policy as does my employer.
I had nothing to do with this...
Gotta forward this to my CFI, titled 'Job opening at Frontier!"
Gotta forward this to my CFI, titled 'Job opening at Frontier!"

What are you thinking !!! Don't forward this or any employment opportunity to your CFI for any reason. You will find yourself searching for a new instructor. :yikes:
I had a pretty good weekend in Lincoln one night. Of course, it's a college town and I was a college boy at the time....
+1. I was raised in New York City, and would take Omaha any day.

I grew up 10 miles from the white house. I loath going in to DC proper (Im in MD, though don't care much for it either) and absolutely dispise NYC. Sadly I'm stuck in south LA for the weekend, and it's also high on my list of aviods.

I love me some Kansas City, St. Louis, with Omaha not far behind.

(And I'm not putting anyone's city down, they just arn't for me.)