Surprised no one has brought this up...

I haven't heard anything unusual. There is a TFR around both plants. My understanding is that thay have whatever power they need to keep the pumps running. The Nebraska press has been reporting on the flooding for many weeks now. The nuke plants have had quite some time to get ready- this isn't anywhere like the situation they had in Japan.
Did you take a look at some of the other articles on that site like Israel did 9/11 (by setting explosives in the buildings among other things)?

There are plenty of websites, documentaries, and articles that go on and on about “Bush & Cheney, U.S. Gov’t, etc, etc” but nobody seems to want to acknowledge the rock solid evidence proving 9/11 was most likely done by the Israeli Mossad in conjunction with the plethora of Zionist American Jews whose duplicitous role in the attacks has been thoroughly documented.

Bunch of wackos...

Thankfully, that web site has provided an "About" page that does everything necessary to establish their credibility, or lack thereof:

Not a single URL in their story points to any web page supporting the existence of the FAAE report. Many quotes from unnamed sources. Nothing verifiable.
Let's be honest. No way an administration seeking re-election would try and hide a serious nuclear accident. Too many people would know and the information and cover-up would eventually surface. The next step would be a set of long, drawn out hearings headed by the Republicans, managed to be as damaging as possible to the administration and probably leading to a failed re-election bid.
This article states that there is a news black out on this. I searched and searched and could find nothing in the reputable press about such an event. Thus confirming the report of the news blackout!!

I did find some info about the Reptilians might be helping the POTUS with this catastrophic event and that they are secretly inoculating the people around from radiation poisoning.
I have a good friend who is 94 years old. During a conversation with him at his 94th birthday bash (and bash it was) he summarized just about everything we deal with in life with this one short, simple sentence; "Son (I'm 68), it's all bullsh*t."

He had told me that same things a few years earlier, so I had plenty of time to ponder the intricate complexities of the statement. It was easy to be in complete agreement with him.

I have a good friend who is 94 years old. During a conversation with him at his 94th birthday bash (and bash it was) he summarized just about everything we deal with in life with this one short, simple sentence; "Son (I'm 68), it's all bullsh*t."

He had told me that same things a few years earlier, so I had plenty of time to ponder the intricate complexities of the statement. It was easy to be in complete agreement with him.


Heck! I'm 53, and have been saying that since 2001. :goofy:

Like Mark Twain said (paraphrasing here), "If you don't read the news you're uninformed. If you read the news you're misinformed."
I see some "respectable" news sources are covering this:
BROWNVILLE, Nebraska (AP) — A berm holding the flooded Missouri River back from a Nebraska nuclear power station collapsed early Sunday, but federal regulators said they were monitoring the situation and there was no danger.
The Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station shut down in early April for refueling, and there is no water inside the plant, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said. Also, the river is not expected to rise higher than the level the plant was designed to handle. NRC spokesman Victor Dricks said the plant remains safe.

MmmKay . . . .

Older story, but a couple of interesting points made:

* Several already-sandbagged facilities are reporting water now coming UP through the ground; after you hold the water back, you next have to keep the water down.

* The FORT CALHOUN spent fuel pool is in the ground, but being in the ground UNDER the Missouri River is not all good and wasn’t in the Combustion Engineering/Westinghouse design and operating plans.

Some interesting commentary from Tyler Durden at

We hadn't previously discussed the situation at the Fort Calhoun, Nebraska nuclear power plant, as there was still a possibility that it was containable, and the deterioration had been largely blown out of proportion. Alas now that the Missouri River flood waters have penetrated the last ditch water-filled wall, and have since surrounded the* containment buildings and other vital areas of a Nebraska nuclear plant, it may be time to get a little more concerned. As Reuters reports, "The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) said the breach in the 2,000-foot (600 meters) inflatable berm around the Fort Calhoun station occurred around 1:25 a.m. local time. More than 2 feet (60 cm) of water rushed in around containment buildings and electrical transformers at the 478-megawatt facility located 20 miles (30 km) north of Omaha." Naturally, the severity of the situation is being downplayed by the NRC, very much the way Tepco and Japanese authorities pretended the Fukushima situation was under control, until it was uncovered that there had been plant meltdown within hours of the tsunami: "Reactor shutdown cooling and spent-fuel pool cooling were unaffected, the NRC said. The plant, operated by the Omaha Public Power District, has been off line since April for refueling." That's one version of the story. A far better one would be calling up the Octogenarian of Omaha and upon getting voicemail, inquiring in what part of the world he is currently residing until the Fort Calhoun situation is actually fixed. To everyone else, we would merely suggest they copycat Buffet, especially after seeing the picture of the plant below (taken June 16, which means the situation now is far worse), which makes the flooding at Fukushima look tame by comparison.
Thankfully, that web site has provided an "About" page that does everything necessary to establish their credibility, or lack thereof:

Not a single URL in their story points to any web page supporting the existence of the FAAE report. Many quotes from unnamed sources. Nothing verifiable.

Funny how the MSM blows it so frequently and we still watch it. We still read it. We still believe the world is what they say it is. Like Charlie Brown, the American public comes back faithfully--time after time. Lucy predictably yanks the football away, Charlie Brown ends up flat on his back, and he wonders why he's such a sap.

Anyone remember soldiers throwing babies out of incubators (bring on the Gulf I Turkeyshoot), yellowcake from Niger, avian bird flu, or Lara Logan on 60 Minutes credulously nodding as some Air Force dufuss tells her that Predator drones don't kill civilians.

We get news reports that parrot "official government sources" with fairy tales like unemployment numbers that magically never hit double digits. I could go on, but as long as our network newsreaders have perfect hair and don't talk about aliens in the White House . . . It's all good, right? :rolleyes2:

Ho-humm, I think
I could go on, but as long as our network newsreaders have perfect hair and don't talk about aliens in the White House . . . It's all good, right? :rolleyes2:

Isn't this the same criteria that is required to be one of our nations leaders? Actually, anyone who runs for elected office if they want party backing?

Funny how the MSM blows it so frequently and we still watch it. We still read it. We still believe the world is what they say it is. Like Charlie Brown, the American public comes back faithfully--time after time. Lucy predictably yanks the football away, Charlie Brown ends up flat on his back, and he wonders why he's such a sap.

And here I thought the Invisible Hand of the Market was supposed to solve all problems! Darn.
Isn't this the same criteria that is required to be one of our nations leaders? Actually, anyone who runs for elected office if they want party backing?


The most important criteria lately seems to be the willingness to kiss the ring in Tel Aviv. Everything else is just polishing a turd.
I'm not worried...

There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. . . .