Sun Valley Idaho pireps?


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
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Right Seater
We will be flying from Florida to Sun Valley in mid September to attend a wedding. We plan to spend around 3 days there, then head to Yellowstone.
We have never been to either of those places and we are really looking forward to Yellowstone. (Looking forward to Sun Valley too, just not the wedding so much).

Any tips or suggestions for these spots? I hear that Atlantic Aviation at KSUN is a tad expensive. Are there alternates? We will probably fly from Sun Valley to Yellowstone, but we have discussed renting a car in Sun Valley and driving to Yellowstone and back so that we could possibly see more of the local territory close up.
I would look for a good SUV rental deal from Twin Falls, Idaho Falls or other major airport in the region. Leave your plane somewhere other then Sun Valley. That airport is geared to a completely different clientele. You'll know when you drive by and think it's a Gulfstream dealership :eek2:.
Yes, KSUN is rather expensive, and a Mecca for the big-jet crowd. But, it's totally do-able (if good weather) if that suits your logistics. Been a few years, but the last time I had to overnight there, the Wood River Inn and Suites in Hailey was a good spot, and reasonably priced. (lots of other places to stay as well.)
Klaus M has a great suggestion though, if you were planning on a rental car for Yellowstone anyway, you'd definitely be better off to fly to an airport nearer to Yellowstone and drive over to Sun Valley for your event. Idaho Falls would work, but closer to the Park, Driggs, or West Yellowstone would work. Other YNP gateway towns, Cody, Bozeman, Livingston, but all further away from Sun Valley. Jackson is not too bad in September, but another expensive jet-set airport.
September is a good time to be in the area, tourist crowds are starting to ease off, weather is cooler, but density altitude is always a factor. You could see snow, too!
Yes, KSUN is rather expensive, and a Mecca for the big-jet crowd. But, it's totally do-able (if good weather) if that suits your logistics. Been a few years, but the last time I had to overnight there, the Wood River Inn and Suites in Hailey was a good spot, and reasonably priced. (lots of other places to stay as well.)
Klaus M has a great suggestion though, if you were planning on a rental car for Yellowstone anyway, you'd definitely be better off to fly to an airport nearer to Yellowstone and drive over to Sun Valley for your event. Idaho Falls would work, but closer to the Park, Driggs, or West Yellowstone would work. Other YNP gateway towns, Cody, Bozeman, Livingston, but all further away from Sun Valley. Jackson is not too bad in September, but another expensive jet-set airport.
September is a good time to be in the area, tourist crowds are starting to ease off, weather is cooler, but density altitude is always a factor. You could see snow, too!
Part of the problem with staying someplace closer to Yellowstone is that this stupid wedding has events, dinners, rehearsals (which my wife needs to attend spread out over 3 day. I wouldn't mind driving a short distance further, except for the three days and the fact that most of the events will involve alcohol. So one of us would have to be DD. If we stay close, we can Uber or grab ride with someone else to/from the alcohol included events

Apparently if I buy 15 gallons of ss fuel, I waive a $40 handling fee, and the ss fuel is not too expensive.
There is also a $10 "security fee" and $15/night tiedown. They also have Self Service parking but I don't know if that is the $15/night or is the SS tie down free and the $!5 is for the "full service" tie downs. Regardless, I just paid $145 for three nights tie down in Chattanooga.

The biggest problem so far is logistics: Three days and two nights on the way and where to fuel between overnight fuel stops. Ten or fifteen years ago, I would have made the trip in 2 legs and 30 or more years ago I would have done it in one day, or I would have camped out under the wing. Today, 5 hours flying per day tops and camping out means a Marriott. This trip is 1,800 nm one-way. This is only my 2nd "destination wedding". This is for my nephew. The other one was two years ago for his brother. I managed to avoid them for my first 70 years. I'm hoping this will be my last.
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I've got a whopping one landing logged at KSUN (which is actually in Hailey, ID). Too long ago to be of much use for offering advice.

But I did grow up a bit south of there. Try to find time to drive north over Galena Summit, into the Stanley Basin. It's my favorite place on earth. Check out a few of the mountain lakes. If you have time, get as far north as Stanley, ID--the surroundings are gorgeous.

If you are then driving to Yellowstone/Teton national parks, try to route through Craters of the Moon National Monument. It's unworldly. There have been a few attempts to make it into a national park, but the locals don't want the traffic, so the proposals get shot down.
JohnH, I understand your dilemma. :crazy: You and your wife will love the beauty, food and services that the Sun Valley area has to offer so, spend the big bucks and remind your kids why they're NOT getting an inheritance. "You can't take it with you" as they say, if I was going to splurge somewhere this would be one of those places.

Every trip I have to that part of the country is memorable and I want to return. The whole region is 'magical' and you might as well spend whatever it takes to keep peace in the family and enjoy yourself.

I use the word "Magical" for a reason. You'll know when you start touring the area and Yellowstone.
Part of the problem with staying someplace closer to Yellowstone is that this stupid wedding has events, dinners, rehearsals (which my wife needs to attend spread out over 3 day. I wouldn't mind driving a short distance further, except for the three days and the fact that most of the events will involve alcohol. So one of us would have to be DD. If we stay close, we can Uber or grab ride with someone else to/from the alcohol included events

Apparently if I buy 15 gallons of ss fuel, I waive a $40 handling fee, and the ss fuel is not too expensive.
There is also a $10 "security fee" and $15/night tiedown. They also have Self Service parking but I don't know if that is the $15/night or is the SS tie down free and the $!5 is for the "full service" tie downs. Regardless, I just paid $145 for three nights tie down in Chattanooga.

The biggest problem so far is logistics: Three days and two nights on the way and where to fuel between overnight fuel stops. Ten or fifteen years ago, I would have made the trip in 2 legs and 30 or more years ago I would have done it in one day, or I would have camped out under the wing. Today, 5 hours flying per day tops and camping out means a Marriott. This trip is 1,800 nm one-way. This is only my 2nd "destination wedding". This is for my nephew. The other one was two years ago for his brother. I managed to avoid them for my first 70 years. I'm hoping this will be my last.
I haven't been to KSUN since Atlantic took over. The prices you quoted seem reasonable and if you can get it in writing I would definitely tiedown there vs driving from Twin Falls. +1 on visiting Stanley (2U7), it's a short 30 min flight from KSUN. It's a relatively easy strip most of the time if it's not too windy, is a short walk to town and has spectacular views. My avatar is taken there. Smiley Creek (U87) is in the Stanley basin approx. half way between Hailey and Stanley and has two courtesy cars. IDK what the availability is like, but it's a potential option if you want to be more mobile.

KWYS is great and has camping on the airport, but it sounds like you're leaning more towards a hotel. The great thing is that there are car rentals on the field. All the airports discussed are over 5,000 MSL so the usual DA caveats apply and if possible plan on finishing flying before noon.

One last thought - It has been a pretty bad year for fires and there have been a few days where it has almost been IFR due to smoke. There are currently several TFR's in the area. You may want to keep an eye on the fire situation. There are many webcams available to get an idea of conditions.

Sounds like a great trip, have fun!
The biggest problem so far is logistics: Three days and two nights on the way and where to fuel between overnight fuel stops. Ten or fifteen years ago, I would have made the trip in 2 legs and 30 or more years ago I would have done it in one day, or I would have camped out under the wing. Today, 5 hours flying per day tops and camping out means a Marriott. This trip is 1,800 nm one-way. This is only my 2nd "destination wedding". This is for my nephew. The other one was two years ago for his brother. I managed to avoid them for my first 70 years. I'm hoping this will be my last.
@JOhnH what are you flying, and which part of Florida are you departing from? What's your plane's speed, range, and endurance, and what's your endurance?

Also, do you have any mountain flying training/experience? Are you planning on being mainly VFR or IFR?
The tower controllers can be jack@$$'s sometimes, particularly if you don't call "5 miles south" at exactly the same point that their screen says you are 5 miles south. Density altitude is a real killer out here so think about that before planning to arrive/depart between 2-5pm. Everything in Hailey/Ketchum is expensive. The self serve gas is a LONG walk from the FBO and I'm not sure where they want you to park for "self serve parking" - if it's near the pumps, it's a long slog up a slight incline to the FBO with your gear to get your rental car. I second everything said about Stanley and Smiley Creek (Smiley is my daughter's favorite fly-in breakfast place).
@JOhnH what are you flying,
and which part of Florida are you departing from?
What's your plane's speed, range, and endurance, and what's your endurance?

Also, do you have any mountain flying training/experience? Are you planning on being mainly VFR or IFR?
Bonanza V35 w IO520. Typical TAS is ~168, The planes range is about 750 nm. Our endurance is about 550-600nm.

Both Leslie and I have had mountain flying training (in the "hills" of North Carolina"), but we have traversed the Rockies 8 times; four round trips, twice in a 172 and twice in the Bonanza, including our flight from Daytona Beach Florida to Alaska.

Leslie is IFR rated, so she is the PIC. I have not had an FAA medical since 1975 so I am relegated to right seat. But I recently got a Cochlear Implant and my word recognition went from 5% to 85%, so I may just try to go for it again. But at 72, it doesn't make much sense.
Bonanza V35 w IO520. Typical TAS is ~168, The planes range is about 750 nm. Our endurance is about 550-600nm.

Both Leslie and I have had mountain flying training (in the "hills" of North Carolina"), but we have traversed the Rockies 8 times; four round trips, twice in a 172 and twice in the Bonanza, including our flight from Daytona Beach Florida to Alaska.

Leslie is IFR rated, so she is the PIC. I have not had an FAA medical since 1975 so I am relegated to right seat. But I recently got a Cochlear Implant and my word recognition went from 5% to 85%, so I may just try to go for it again. But at 72, it doesn't make much sense.
OK! I'm just gonna play around with a plan from KDAB to KSUN, since that's about 1800nm. At that speed doing the trip in two days isn't unreasonable, could probably do it in about 6 hours per day over two days but I can definitely see how getting knocked around in the average Florida late summer day to start the trip might make you want to make the rest of the trip more relaxed.

First thing: Terrain. Even IFR, you can do this route in non-oxygen altitudes: SNY V6 OCS V4 MLD V21 PIH V500 MENIN.

Side note: I don't know why the FAA puts all these new T routes in and then doesn't connect them with intersecting Victor airways. T302 would be useful if there was a better way to get to MENIN for the approach, but you can't get from T302 to V500 except by going off airways which means higher altitudes.

Anyway, the route above makes it 1853nm. If we split it into three days of ~620nm each, you'd spend the first night just northwest of Memphis and the second night near Holyoke, CO. I'd suggest making the first day longer, though, and the last day shorter. You'll be freshest on day 1, and the flying will be most challenging and fatiguing on day 3. And what do you know, Gaston's (3M0) is right on your route, about 722nm into the trip. If you're comfortable flying there (3200' grass, in the valley, LOTS of PoAers have gone before. The best part about this is not having to schlep everything from a plane to a car to a hotel, and dinner is right there in the restaurant on site.

For the first day, then, I'd go to 04M, about a 3-hour leg, for some cheap fuel ($4.56/gal) and a quick break (eat a lunch you bring from home either on that leg or at the stop), then continue another 1.5 hours to Gaston's 3M0, eat, relax, overnight. No need to buy fuel at Gaston's, and you'll be a little lighter for departure without it.

Day two, breakfast at Gaston's, and a 2.5 hour leg to Lexington, NE. Fuel ($4.99/gal) and take the courtesy car somewhere for lunch. In the afternoon, you'll have an easy sub-1.5 hour hop to Cheyenne to stay overnight. KLXN SNY V138 CYS KCYS.

Day three, might as well top off with fuel at KCYS - it's not gonna be cheap from here on out. 1.5 hours via MOIST V6 OCS KRKS Rock Springs, stop and grab a courtesy car for lunch if you need to, or just take a break, or don't bother stopping and press on for the last 1.5 hours via V4 MLD V21 PIH V500 MENIN KSUN... Or if it's VMC, take shortcuts as appropriate. Should be some good views on this last day.

With 11 total flight hours, a 2-day trip shouldn't be too hard either.