I arrived at the show late Friday morning and left this morning. I've attended many of these and I think the attendance was way up this year. Watching the night airshow was fun as always. I thought the Breathing Jet Team was a nice addition. Hard to imaging that selling watches could support sending 7 L39s and all the support that takes around the world. I did a lot of window shopping/tire kicking and got excellent help from the salespeople (notable exception at Lycoming).
One small rant on the pilots. I am AMAZED at how many who fly in and fly out have obviously not read the NOTAM. All the procedures whether arrival, departure, VFR or IFR are clearly spelled out. Yet you have numerous goofballs go charging into the arrival, cut into line, don't follow the no talking on the radio rule, etc, etc. And departing the NOTAM procedure to transfer to IFR is clear and simple. But so many on the radio this morning were not following it. The controllers were being saints in trying to help these jerks, but I had no sympathy.
Glad to be home, but it was a good show.