Sun and fun turnout?

How do you think SNF did this year?
Hard to say.
I got there a little earlier on Saturday than I did last year.
But last year I had to stand in line for about 2 hours to get a ticket.
This year I only had to stand in line about 10 minutes.
Perhaps 9:00am is a much better time to arrive than 10:00am. When I went to my car around noon, the lines were humongous.
It looks like the weather there was pretty good, but we got hit with some pretty hard storms on Saturday so I couldn't go.
I guess everyone got in and out without hurting themselves too badly this year.

It felt like it was more crowded with planes last year!
Saturday was packed but Sunday seemed pretty dead, I don't have anything to compare it to as this was the first year I was able to attend. It was a great experience though and it's really pushing me to finish my PPL sooner.
I go every year at the start of the show. Seemed to pick up wed. When weather was better. Planes seemed to be a little thiner this year. Drive in traffic seemed to be about normal. Overall enjoyed the show as usual. Might volunteer next year.
I go every year at the start of the show. Seemed to pick up wed. When weather was better. Planes seemed to be a little thiner this year. Drive in traffic seemed to be about normal. Overall enjoyed the show as usual. Might volunteer next year.

Funny you mentioned volunteering.

Someone approached me about it on Saturday. I think I will give it a try as well. I rather do something that has to do with airplanes rather than anything else though.

They had classes throughout the week and some of them were pretty interesting, (Understanding Angle of Attack....tues 9:00am) I didn't know about these free classes until it was too late. I will probably try some of those as well.

Someone told me that SNF use to be 2 weeks long? For some reason it felt very short, probably because I only attended Sat and Sun...oh well.
Very busy when I was there on Friday, but not so it was a problem getting to talk to people in the vendors hangers, or get up close to check out aircraft.

I had to fly into Lakeland this morning, the Thunderbirds were just busy mounting up to leave for their home base, watched them go off two at a time rolling on the runway, then a few minutes later the F22 Raptor took off and put a bit of a show on for those stood watching, rotated and held it level at around twenty foot off above the runway then just launched it vertically like a rocket taking off...the sight and sound was awesome ....
I was there the first few days and it seemed much quieter than years past. The rain on Thursday kept the crowds down some.
Very busy when I was there on Friday, but not so it was a problem getting to talk to people in the vendors hangers, or get up close to check out aircraft.

I had to fly into Lakeland this morning, the Thunderbirds were just busy mounting up to leave for their home base, watched them go off two at a time rolling on the runway, then a few minutes later the F22 Raptor took off and put a bit of a show on for those stood watching, rotated and held it level at around twenty foot off above the runway then just launched it vertically like a rocket taking off...the sight and sound was awesome ....

Thrust Vectoring on that airplane is amazing!
I think it was decent turnout. I gave forums Thursday and Friday. Between the 3 forums I probably had a little over 50 people attend. Not too bad considering one of them was in Paradise City and they unfortunately never posted the forums schedule for PC on the web site.

I was thinking of some past year's Sun n Funs where people died. The Mooney pilot is ok, is he not?

He cartainly is ok, in fact the incident could turn a bad day into a good day for the Mooney marketing people, the pilot contributes his survival to the steel roll cage around the cockpit
Hard to say.
I got there a little earlier on Saturday than I did last year.
But last year I had to stand in line for about 2 hours to get a ticket.
This year I only had to stand in line about 10 minutes.
Perhaps 9:00am is a much better time to arrive than 10:00am. When I went to my car around noon, the lines were humongous

That needs to be addressed... Standing in line for more then a few minutes to buy tickets to get into the show will turn off repeat customers.. IMHO..
That needs to be addressed... Standing in line for more then a few minutes to buy tickets to get into the show will turn off repeat customers.. IMHO..

That option to buy tickets online is always there. That is what I did, printed the receipts and showed it to security.

I didn't see a long line when I came in just a handful of people but I got in at 7:00am!