Summer flying in Texas


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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I always read my magazines from back to front... don't know why.

Anyway, to the topic of this thread. Latest AOPA, September 2007... page 154. 'Nuff said. :)
Amen.....I am in love...:D

Suprised no one mentioned this one yet.

Pete'll like it, PJ, and it's local to you!'ll like it, PJ, and it's local to you!
Thanks, Spike, but since you guys aren't telling me what "it" is, and I'm not home right now, I'll have to pop over to and try to find it there :).
Thanks, Spike, but since you guys aren't telling me what "it" is, and I'm not home right now, I'll have to pop over to and try to find it there :).

Spike, is it "it" or "its"? :rofl:

EDIT: And don't take that sentence to the next level...
You guys are enjoying keeping me in suspense, aren't you? I couldn't find it or its or whatever over on the web version of the mag. I guess I'll have to wait till I get home and check my mail. To quote Dr. Bruce, "sigh".
Okay, from the comments, I can take a guess. I thought there was some useful article about a flying destination down here! Oh well, I'm sure I'll enjoy the picture just the same.
Are you a football fan PJ? I'm thinking of going all the way to (gulp) Houston for a bit of that.

What kept popping into my head was - real?
I wasn't too surprised when I saw the article in question. I wonder what editor selected that?


YAHOO! I knew there must have been a good reason for me to move to Houston!!!! I knew several of the Bronco cheerleaders (one was married to a buddy) so why not meet a few here, eh?

Gotta love the half time shows...
Yeah, I got home last night and immediately opened my magazine... very nice. I am a football fan, and I enjoy going to Texans games. If anyone wants to fly in for a game, I could probably be talked into going. Especially if they're playing the Rams or Steelers (don't know if they are or not, I haven't looked at this year's schedule yet).
So, PJ... you going to invite her to join us at Gaston's, or have her and her friends at one of your monthly museum events? If she makes it to Gastons, I bet Jason will let her fly his helicopter.
Oh great; someone will invite her to POA, and we'll be scurrying around to delete our childish quips!
After that posted, I realized what may be considered... well, I was hoping it would be taken in reference to the game. That was the intention, anyway.

Any inference otherwise is representative of the state of the mind of the reader. :yes:
Football is just something to do before and after the halftime show. Or so thought the high school bands my kids played in. :D
That makes sense for them. For many, there's only one reason to ever watch Dallas play. I feel sorry for a group who cannot afford to pay for more fabric to make their uniforms.
Celebrity Spokesmodel for the 1940 Air Terminal Museum... a good cause, and ba-da-bing!

I'll have to see if my sister knows her.

Just saw the mag tonight. Yikes! Hot, smart (you don't get an Aero-E degree and a job at NASA any other way), hot, pilot, hot.

Almost makes me hope she's stuck-up for some reason. :dunno: