Stupid mistake I've made too often

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Foreflight has a pattern entry feature to use it tap on the nav log then procedure and it will give you choice of runway and pattern entry. Then use the geographic terrain view overlay with the chart. Makes life much easier by identifying landmarks near the airport. I like uncontrolled airports because you can overfly the airport to find the correct pattern entry for a runway at an unfamiliar airport. Another option is to ask for radar vectors to the field from ATC before arrival.
bug the runway heading on the DG. Trace a line from the bug across the instrument and that is your runway. The opposite heading you are flying is from where you are coming from and the side of the runway you are. The rest is simple, you will know if you are on a right/left downwind or base and how to maneuver to get into the pattern. In addition if you left/right downwind is easy to figure out depending on how you are doing your turns (ie. left turns you are on left downwind, etc) In my humble experience this method has never failed me. but to each his own.
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