Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Just got this notice from the FAA:
Important thing to remember. It is sad how many CFIs I have come across that dont know the intricacies of this stuff. Many think that a Student Pilot/Medical Certificate is one in the same.
CFI Emphasis Item
Notice Number: NOTC0699
CFI Emphasis Item: Proper Endorsement of Student Pilots
Recently, several student pilots (under 40 years of age) have shown up for their FAA Private Pilot Practical with an expired STUDENT PILOT CERTIFICATE, however their third class medical was still valid.
CFIs, during your next review of the regulations, make sure to re-read 14 CFR 61.91-Duration of Pilot and Instructor Certificates. Specifically paragraph (b) Student Pilot Certificate, states: "a student pilot certificate expires 24 calendar months from the month in which it is issued."
Remember, IAW 14 CFR 61.23(d)(3)(ii)(A), the third class medical expires at the end of the 36th month after the month of the date of examination if the person has not reached his or her 40th birthday on or before the date of examination.
When endorsing a student pilot, be sure to check the dates of both the Medical and the Student Pilot Certificate. Even if they are on opposite sides of ! the same piece of paper they may have different expiration dates.
All endorsements are clearly outlined in AC 61-65E and can be found at:
Important thing to remember. It is sad how many CFIs I have come across that dont know the intricacies of this stuff. Many think that a Student Pilot/Medical Certificate is one in the same.