Student Pilot down KLHV


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 20, 2021
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Flight and accident details are very sparse at the moment, but a 17-year-old girl was flying a student pilot solo from KIPT to KLHV this morning and crashed just north of the threshold of RWY 27 killing her. She was a Civil Air Patrol cadet with good leadership skills and a vivacious personality. She had grand aspirations in the aviation world according to a newspaper article about her that was published just 13 days ago.

I met her several times over the past couple of months, on the ramp, CAP meetings, in the FBO… SUPER sweet girl.

Horrifically sad for the local GA community and the squadron of CAP that is based at Lock Haven. Of note, the plane was a club plane for employees of Lycoming Engines.

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That’s a rough one.

I looked up those airports. Less that 25 miles apart. I remember my own solo flights in a similar radius and how much that meant to me. I’m sure she enjoyed many of those same feelings. I’m really sorry it ended this way.
Very sad to hear.

For the sake of awareness (it doesn’t seem like it’d be a factor), here was the weather and active AIRMETs at Williamsport (Lock Haven doesn’t have a METAR):

KIPT 041354Z 00000KT 10SM OVC031 25/19 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP137 T02500189

TAF:KIPT 041359Z 0414/0512 24004KT P6SM BKN040 BKN110
FM041700 25007KT P6SM VCSH OVC080
FM042000 22003KT P6SM OVC100
FM050700 00000KT 4SM BR OVC050

G-AIRMET: Mountain obscuration

Nothing actively on radar at the accident time, just some showers in the general area a few hours prior.
Very sad to hear.

For the sake of awareness (it doesn’t seem like it’d be a factor), here was the weather and active AIRMETs at Williamsport (Lock Haven doesn’t have a METAR):

KIPT 041354Z 00000KT 10SM OVC031 25/19 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP137 T02500189

TAF:KIPT 041359Z 0414/0512 24004KT P6SM BKN040 BKN110
FM041700 25007KT P6SM VCSH OVC080
FM042000 22003KT P6SM OVC100
FM050700 00000KT 4SM BR OVC050

G-AIRMET: Mountain obscuration

Nothing actively on radar at the accident time, just some showers in the general area a few hours prior.
No, weather wasn’t a factor. I made the comment that it was a beautiful day to fly, but I had other responsibilities.
Given the location of the crash, it looks as if the accident occurred in the pattern, abeam the 27 threshold, about 1/3 NM north. Not really the spot you'd be doing anything but starting a descent.
You would think that, but there is a ridge there and many, if not most of us go to the other side of the ridge for the downwind leg, so it seems an odd place for us locals. I’ve run through everything I can possibly think of for that particular spot based on the ADSB data and I can’t figure it out. One ADSB track shows she was just entering the pattern for the first time, while another shows that maybe she had already done a touch and go.

If that were the case, MAYBE a crosswind turn stall-spin scenario, but that usually happens base to final not on the crosswind turn. Like I said, it doesn’t seem to make sense.

It’s a CTAF and not monitored by ATCLive, so no word on whether or not she made a mayday call.
If that were the case, MAYBE a crosswind turn stall-spin scenario, but that usually happens base to final not on the crosswind turn. Like I said, it doesn’t seem to make sense.

I believe @wanttaja has posted info about this before. Here's a link from Pilotinstitute:

Stall/spin incidents lead to the most fatal accidents, but it is worth noting that the takeoff and climb phase sees more stall accidents than descent and approach.
I believe @wanttaja has posted info about this before. Here's a link from Pilotinstitute:

That’s sad to hear, but good to know. I just did my spin training for CFI and the first one was the absolute worst feeling I’ve ever had in a plane. Once I knew what was coming, it wasn’t so bad, but I sure wouldn’t want to have one in the takeoff/climb phase.