Student Pilot AudioCast


Pre-takeoff checklist
Mar 26, 2008
Mesa, AZ
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Hello, everyone. This is my first post...but I've been lurking (here and other boards) for a while. I can't get enough...but I guess if you're here reading know what I mean. :) I'm beginning my primary training today, and I'm very excited.

I also wanted to let you know that I've decided to podcast about the experience. I've been inspired by some of the great content out there from podcasts like The Finer Points, the Pilot Cast, and The Student Pilot Flight PodLog. I've also appreciated all of the blogs out there...especially the student oriented ones (thanks, Purdue). I've never done anything like this before...but decided I had to give a little, too. :)

For that reason, I've started the at I've released three episodes so far, including the latest one about my criteria and experiences choosing a flight school. Feel free to check it out, and by all means, send me feedback! I have an audio only and a video only feed. For more info on how to subscribe from iTunes, Zune, or any other podcatcher...see this page. I hope you enjoy it.

Take care...and give me any pointers you want to as I start my training. I'm pretty excited...I'm gonna be a pilot!

First, welcome to the board -- this is a great place.

The only piece of advice I would offer is don't get impatient -- you're going to have plateaus and rough spots, but if you keep at it, you'll get past them just fine.

As for casts and blogs, they can be fun. An old friend of mine is about 50 hours into his PP-RH out near Portland, OR, and has been doing a blog since the get go. It's really fun for me to read because his rough spots are mostly ones I ran into as well, and he's told me that some of my suggestions have helped him along the way, which is really a good feeling.

Anyway, good luck!
Welcome to POA and I look forward to listening to your podcasts! Good luck on your training, and please come to us with questions/difficulties. We're always willing to help!
Welcome aboard!

I just have one question... What are ya gonna call your podcast when you're no longer a student pilot? :eek: :D

--"Pilot Kent"
Bill weclome to the Best Aviation Community there is. Best of Luck with your training. Don't be a stranger here.
Welcome aboard!

I just have one question... What are ya gonna call your podcast when you're no longer a student pilot? :eek: :D

--"Pilot Kent"

Heh, heh. C'mon, Kent. I'll always be a student of aviation...aren't we all? :D

I know...Will had this problem, right? I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess. Maybe I'll recruit a new primary student to take over when I get my ticket. Maybe it'll switch to intrument training...who knows. Besides...this is just a little experiment...I'm bound to flub it up in more ways than just the name lock-in.
Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. This is a great community...I know from all the lurking. BTW, I'm now a seasoned veteran with 1.1 hours...I'll have to release another episode, I guess.
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I just posted episode 3 regarding my first week of training. Let me know what you think...and if anyone else had similar thoughts experiences during their first flights. Thanks.


Welcome to the POA forum!

Good luck with the podcast, sounds like a fun thing to do and it will always provide a way to look back at your training. I keep a flight journal of all our flying adventures, but it started out as a log of all my flight lessons. I still keep the lessons listed in the archive section and now started my instrument lesson entries as well. Good luck with your PPL. blog. I especially like all of the "visual aids" you use...sort of captures the moment in time. I scuba dive as well, and while it's common for divers to log their dives, I also journal in my log book (i.e. draw maps of the site, record what I did and saw, etc.). I find it very rewarding to go back and read those (mostly when I'm on a boat headed to another dive site :))...I'm sure its the same for you with your detailed record. We will forget details if we don't log them.

I can't seem to 'subscribe' to the videocast, not sure whats up. I DL'ed the audio's no problem for my flight to Orlando this morning along with the finer points, and pilot cast.

Thanks for checking out the blog, I really enjoy doing the write up's.

I can't seem to 'subscribe' to the videocast, not sure whats up. I DL'ed the audio's no problem for my flight to Orlando this morning along with the finer points, and pilot cast. have a PM. If you have time to help me figure out why its not working for you for the video, I would appreciate it. I sent you some questions. Thx.
Hi, everyone. I just released a new episode. It's been a couple of weeks, but that's partially because my wife and I went on vacation to Seattle for a week, and of course my training got delayed. I posted some pics from Seattle, including a brand new 777 taking off for a test flight.

I also discuss a couple of tips for budding pilots that I've learned over my initial 6.6 hours, and where I am in my training.

If you care to listen, enjoy episode 4. Thanks everyone.
Excellent, Bill! I enjoyed the first few episodes.

BTW, I must say that based on what I've heard so far, you are really doing your training the right way... I bet your CFI wishes he had more students like you!
Thanks for the kind words, Kent, and for listening and giving feedback. I am curious, though, if you could elaborate on what you mean by "doing your training the right way."? I would love to know what an experienced guy like you thinks I'm doing right...I honestly don't know what you mean. Clarifying this might help others "do it right" as well.

Thanks, Kent.
Thanks for the kind words, Kent, and for listening and giving feedback. I am curious, though, if you could elaborate on what you mean by "doing your training the right way."? I would love to know what an experienced guy like you thinks I'm doing right...I honestly don't know what you mean. Clarifying this might help others "do it right" as well.

Thanks, Kent.

All that time you spent reading aviation books and manuals for "pleasure reading" means your knowledge is going to be head and shoulders better than most student pilots.

Also, you mentioned that you listen to a handheld radio a lot - That will help a lot with your radio work. Just be sure you don't pick up the BAD habits that many people have on the radio! No "With You" or "Any traffic in the area, please advise" and be sure to read back your tail number every time. Read the "back issues" of Don Brown's "Say Again" column on AvWeb for more on which things you hear often on the radio that aren't good.

Finally, the fact that you're committed to flying three times a week means that you won't get rusty in between. If you can stick to that, combined with the other things mentioned above, you'll get your certificate very quickly. :yes:
Ahhh, gotcha. :) Thanks for clarifying, and for the encouragement.
I listened to your episodes last nite. Really enjoyed 'em. Keep it up.

- Russ
Thanks, Russ. I appreciate the feedback...I'll keep them coming. It's pretty fun to do.
And, more episode (Episode 5-Coyote Ugly). Per listener request, I've included a lot more in cockpit audio. There's some pretty interesting stuff in this one, and definately some things that are changing my training a bit. As always, give me any feedback. Thanks.

This episode takes me up to but not including my stage 1 phase check. and iTunes.
Happy Memorial Day, everyone! Episode 7 is out...the rest of my solo, and solo #2, in case anyone is interested. :)
I'm really enjoying your casts. I'm hoping to start pilot training eventually, but want to save up first so I don't have long spaces in between flights while saving more. Hearing your casts are really encouraging to me. Looking forward to hearing more.
Fog...I think that's a good move on saving up. Flying 3 times a week is certainly helping me progress faster, and I'm sure will cost me less money in the long run. BTW, stay the course...its worth it. I waited soooo long.

BTW, everyone, I just released episode 8 as I document heading into stage 2 on my syllabus. This episode chronicles just one dual training flight with lots of lessons...and lots of in cockpit audio. I'm planning on releasing more, but shorter and more succinct episodes...although this one is quite long. I appreciate the feedback from everyone...I hope you continue enjoying the casts.
Episode 9 and 10 are out. 9 is an interview with our very own PJ. Episode 10 is about a very important solo flight I took.

Also...exciting news. The podcast got a half page blurb in AOPA Flight Training magazine, July issue, page 14, in the Training Notes and News section! Wow...who woulda thought!?

Anyway...wanted to let everyone know.
Wow, congrats on the mention in AOPA Flight Training and on The Pilotcast! Thanks again for having me on!
Episode 9 and 10 are out. 9 is an interview with our very own PJ. Episode 10 is about a very important solo flight I took.

Also...exciting news. The podcast got a half page blurb in AOPA Flight Training magazine, July issue, page 14, in the Training Notes and News section! Wow...who woulda thought!?

Anyway...wanted to let everyone know.

Saw the blurb, congrats!

I noted, though, that "Willis Hawkins" got credit as an influence, but the Pilotcast got nary a mention!:confused:
Yes...unfortunately, there were a couple of omissions and typos/mistakes in the "article", but they did not come from me. As I noted in my latest audio episode, I answered her question about motivations which included some of my influences, and I quote:

i. The Finer Points
ii. Uncontrolled Airspace
iii.The PilotCast
iv. The Pilot Flight Pod Log and the related Student Pilot Flight Pod Log, both by Will Hawkins
v. Airspeed
vi. And several others.

Unfortunately, it looks like the editors omitted some, presumably for space, inlcuding the Pilotcast, Airspeed, and Will's current cast . I had nothing to do with that, obviously. Also...I sent her Will's name correctly, along with links, but again, it looks like a typo slipped into print. There were a couple of other little grammar or spelling mistakes, too. Unfortunately, they didn't ask me to proofread the copy. :)

That said...the other day I was listening to the great new episode of the Pilotcast, and they plugged my cast as well! Thanks, guys! I'm sorry they cut your link from the Flight Training article. :( On the positive side...I think EVERYONE knows about the PilotCast, anyway...right?

Oh...I should mention that I'm posting a new video on the video feed tonight. Hope everyone likes it.

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Yes...unfortunately, there were a couple of omissions and typos/mistakes in the "article", but they did not come from me. As I noted in my latest audio episode, I answered her question about motivations which included some of my influences, and I quote:

Unfortunately, it looks like the editors omitted some, presumably for space, inlcuding the Pilotcast, Airspeed, and Will's current cast . I had nothing to do with that, obviously. Also...I sent her Will's name correctly, along with links, but again, it looks like a typo slipped into print. There were a couple of other little grammar or spelling mistakes, too. Unfortunately, they didn't ask me to proofread the copy. :)

That said...the other day I was listening to the great new episode of the Pilotcast, and they plugged my cast as well! Thanks, guys! I'm sorry they cut your link from the Flight Training article. :( On the positive side...I think EVERYONE knows about the PilotCast, anyway...right?

Oh...I should mention that I'm posting a new video on the video feed tonight. Hope everyone likes it.

I figured it was something like that. Those darned editors! Right Ken?:D It was a good blurb, though, and I showed it to Leslie as soon as I saw it!