Pattern Altitude
I have an interesting student that I was wondering if the other CFIs could help me with. His primary problem; he does everything out of order. For example, when I was teaching him ground reference, he would start flying around some random point without being at any particular altitude or airspeed. At the same time he'd forget what maneuver we were doing. We would work on communications and instead of calling clearance, he'd try to call tower. We've began to touch on emergencies and instead of finding a field or pitching for best glide, he immediately tries to shut the plane down. By the time he figures out where he's going, he's lost 1,000 ft or more. It doesn't matter what we work on, he always does things out of order. The good thing is he understands he has this problem and he also understands why things go in a particular order. I have also tried flying the plane and have him talk me through how to do it, he still tells me things out of order. I purposely make the same mistakes so that he sees it and understands it but he still can't do things as they should be. It's even down to the smallest things like not reading his checklist in order...every time we fly. It sounds trivial and something students would eventually get over but its frustrating and he's not getting over it. I haven't been able to find a cure for this so the only thing I've been able to encourage him with is that we'll keep going and hopefully repetition will work.
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