I am wondering if a STOL equipped 182 would have the same cruise speed at the same settings of course as a non-STOL 182?
It really depends on what STOL set up you're talking about. There are so many STCs for 182s, that it usually becomes and apples-oranges comparison. There is the Robertson STOL, the Peterson STOL, there is just adding vortex generators, there are flap and aileron gap seals, there is adding a bigger engine...the list just goes on. It also depends on which 182 model you started with.
One thing for sure is that so many variables come into play that you'll never know the difference.
The problem with the original question is... which 182 flies the same cruise speed as another one even without the STOL kit?
Mine and Tim's do!
My dad flew a stock 182P out of a 1200 foot grass strip for years, I am not sure I would want to fly in and out of one much shorter even with a STOL kit. The owner said it was 1500 feet, but he wasn't the best at measuring.
At what field elevation? That isn't all that difficult without obstacles and lighter than max gross.
The STOL kit gets you off the ground sooner but actually decreases performance over an obstacle, something lots of folks miss in the numbers.
Yeah, flying his was a "the more things change the more they stay the same" momentLOL! Nice.
I've always wanted to fly the Petersen Katmai and see how good it really is.
As the Op, I will give more information
I live in Florida, so DA is not really a concern, I have absolutely no wish to go anywhere when it is cold, and work would never take me to a cold climate. Yes I do work all over the place, but only visit northern locals in the summertime.
I was just asking being I am looking at 182's
Thanks for your thoughts so far
Yes, please define the mission a bit more, OP.What do you plan to use the STOL for?
I am wondering if a STOL equipped 182 would have the same cruise speed at the same settings of course as a non-STOL 182?
I was more curious than anything. And the possibility of shortish strips in the Bahamas is of course a consideration.
Definitely looking at the PPonk and higher HP's
The one thing that the STOL 182s seem to have better than stock is general low-speed handling qualities. I've flown both a Robertson STOL 182 and a 182 with vortex generators, and both exhibited better manners close to the stall (with the Robertson handling better than the VG equipped one, likely due to the fences on the wing).
Power on stalls in a STOL 182 are fraking trippy...
Small island private strips associated with Fishing destinations, which is one of my primary interests
Cat Cay is 1100 ft for instance.
Small island private strips associated with Fishing destinations, which is one of my primary interests
Cat Cay is 1100 ft for instance.
Cat Cay should be a piece of cake in a normal 182. You don't have any obstructions on either end. My SOP short field in a stock heavy T206H is well less than 1000.
Given lighter than max gross loading and a cool departure temp, with a headwind, I have no doubt a stock 182 can do it.
Better make sure the pilot can, though. Practice on a larger airfield, highly recommended.
Given lighter than max gross loading and a cool departure temp, with a headwind, I have no doubt a stock 182 can do it.
Can you legally launch one of them from a runway known to be, say... 25' too short for conditions in a stock 182 POH?
Pedantic, I know... But for the money those things pull, a real POH or Addendum would be nice.