Still No Chat


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 30, 2005
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Guess I'll have to take up knitting. But I'd rather chat with all of you.

I have Firefox 3, latest flash, AVG, Vista. I've also tried to get it via IE7.


We miss you too, Petra. :(

+1. Come back, Petra! :(

It's been working fine for me on both the laptop (IE6) and both the Macs (with various versions of Safari). I don't have and haven't used IE7, so I can't say anything regarding it.

Anyone else with Vista using it? I tend to blame Vista for what ails its users - do you have another computer/operating system you can try?
+1. Come back, Petra! :(

It's been working fine for me on both the laptop (IE6) and both the Macs (with various versions of Safari). I don't have and haven't used IE7, so I can't say anything regarding it.

Anyone else with Vista using it? I tend to blame Vista for what ails its users - do you have another computer/operating system you can try?
i have been using it with Vista and FF3.0. No problems whatsoever. The only place I cannot get it to work is with the Windoze Mobile OS
Anyone else with Vista using it?
I use Vista and have no problem getting onto chat with either Firefox or IE. There is a bug that doesn't let you get onto chat from the "no new posts" page. I think Greg has mentioned that before. Other than that I haven't had any problems. the meantime, I'll take a hat and a pair of mittens ... :)
Pete, I enabled 8080.

Meanwhile...knit one...purl two...knit one...

Kidding. Sorry Greg. :D
Sooo, still no chat????

BTW what do you see when you try to log in?
Pete, I enabled 8080.

Meanwhile...knit one...purl two...knit one...

Kidding. Sorry Greg. :D

If you're going to knit until flashchat gets fixed, can you knit me a sweater? :D

Of course, hopefully you won't get very far because it will get fixed and you can come talk to us again. ;)