Would you attempt to glide to an airport or is your procedure going to be to jump no matter what.
Jump no matter what. Just ask Tony, he can hardly keep me in the airplane even with the engine running!
Of course I'm going to try to glide to an airport. But, if things start looking bad as you approach 2000 agl it's time to start heading for the door.
Even in open farm country, if you are lucky enough to miss the trees, finces, power lines, livestock, buildings, uneven terrain, rivers, lakes, and coast to earth at a reasonable attitude and speed how likely is it that you will roll to a stop upright and undamaged. Moonlight would help a lot but you can't see details. All it takes is one little barbed wire fence and you are doing cartwheels. The interstate looks pretty good but it's awful hard to see those overpasses in the dark.
Granted, it would be a tough decision to exit a "until recently perfectly good airplane". Sure, the cabin provides considerable protection. But you've also got a lot of mass and momentum not to mention fuel along for the ride too (unless you're lucky enough to have run out) Jumping has a lot of risks too. You've still got all the obstical hazards listed above but a much smaller footprint and greatly reduced mass.
I just don't want to find myself sitting there in the dark, or IMC, or on fire wishing I hadn't left my chutes back in the hanger.