Want To Buy STEC ST-901 GPSS converter

Alex G.

Filing Flight Plan
Sep 26, 2018
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Looking for a STEC ST-901 GPSS converter, preferably already set up to work with a Sandel SN3308 EHSI.

Any of you upgrading to the new Garmin G5 HSI that no longer have a use for it, please let me know.

Thank you!
I have one that I'd be happy to sell, removed in December, although I'd have to check what it was set up for. I can tell you I definitely didn't have a Sandel EHSI though...
Sorry @Katamarino, I've found a compatible one the next day and completely forgot about this thread :(
That's OK, looks like 455BU might be interested!
Looking for a STEC ST-901 GPSS converter, preferably already set up to work with a Sandel SN3308 EHSI.

Any of you upgrading to the new Garmin G5 HSI that no longer have a use for it, please let me know.

Thank you!

I'll be selling one in November when I add the G3x and G5, though talks to a GTN650 for GPSS and a regular DG for HDG.