STEC-50 issue


Pre-takeoff checklist
May 3, 2018
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Flying along beautiful today with AP working fine and alt hold doing it’s job. Was at 9500 then I noticed all the annunciation lights on the device were lit at same time. Alt hold started acting up so I disconnected. Shut AP off and did test and all the lights were back on. Anyone have experience with this happening? Just a year ago I sent it back to STEC for work. I would think a year later it wouldn’t fail.

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On my STEC 60-2 I have a 3 position switch -On/Off/Test. When in the Test position, all the lights on the control head turn on. Not sure if that helps in your situation, but maybe something to look into.
Russia produces 10% of world production. At the current prices, I can’t imagine OPEC keeping their production subdued to help Putin. The next OPEC meeting will be interesting and it’s reported Iran is loading oil expecting their sanctions to be removed with the new nuclear deal.
You sure that post was intended for this thread? Lol
No, haven’t had that issue. (The problem I’ve had is the autopilot randomly shutting off in heading mode after initiating a course turn.)

just another good reminder that you have to always keep an eye on Otto.
One day I went to take off at a local airport and my airplane went into a hard left roll. I have a manual gear system, so I went ahead with stowing the gear, and when I looked up I was looking at hangars. I pulled the nose up and went to right the ship, no dice. I quickly shut off the autopilot, levels the wings and continued on my merry. Mine is a single axis Step autopilot that I never turned on but now check is off when I take off. Thankfully I've never had it do anything even remotely like that ever since. A friend was watching and thought I was going to die.