Final Approach
As y’all know Airshow attendees just love to touch and get there sweaty prints all over polished aluminum airplanes…
Yesterday after a flyin event my freshly polished ‘Coupe was littered with fingerprints, one person even literally rested there whole body on the fuselage…
people just think that the static display aircraft are a petting zoo or something…
does anyone have any good ideas for signs to warn against touching the aircraft?comedic signs welcomed aswell
also how do y’all politely tell people to stop touching the airplane without coming off stingy or rude?
Expecting people to stay back is like setting up a swimsuit edition magazine and expecting people not to look or buy it. You WANT people to look at your plane, so when they come, you can't act shocked that the lower-IQ half of them also touch it.After 3 years of ownership I can agree with that, pretty much every event I get asked if it’s chromed as they are rubbing their hand on it…