Stadium TFR - can I depart IFR?


Cleared for Takeoff
Dec 18, 2011
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I need to go to Montgomery Field today in San Diego for a meeting. Just noticed there's a stadium TFR for the Qualcomm stadium nearby that overlaps the airport. TFR is from surface to 3000ft and would be in effect by the time I need to depart. The NOTAM is a bit cryptic, saying "does not apply to those aircraft authorised by and in contact with ATC for operational or safety purposes" What exactly does that mean - authorised beforehand via a waiver or authorised as in "over the radio"?

I would be very surprised if all of KMYF's movements would be shut down completely by a football game, but stranger things have happened. This is after all the FAA.

So, can I take off?
Yes. Do it all the time at KBKL. Just make sure you get your clearance on the ground (for an uncontrolled field).

I have done it vfr into a controlled field with flight following. They just prohibited a touch and go.
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... So, can I take off?
When in doubt, make a telephone call to the tower, TRACON, or Center -- whoever you will be talking to when you approach the airport/TFR.
VFR or IFR - so long as you're talking to the tower they'll let you out.
As long as you are under ATC control.
When in doubt, make a telephone call to the tower, TRACON, or Center -- whoever you will be talking to when you approach the airport/TFR.
If you're departing IFR, you'd better have contacted them before taking off even without a stadium TFR around. ;)
Yes. Do it all the time at KBKL. Just make sure you get your clearance on the ground (for an uncontrolled field).

I have done it vfr into a controlled field with flight following. They just prohibited a touch and go.
Chris -
Any issues departing BKL VFR during the Browns Games?
Chris -
Any issues departing BKL VFR during the Browns Games?

No. Just have to follow departure instructions. They won't let you terminate until you are outside the tfr and controlled airspace. Pretty simple actually.
It was a non-event today. Filed 5 minutes before I picked it up - no problems.
If you're in contact with ATC, the TFR doesn't exist.

However, the traffic does, and it can be nasty.

I arrived at Oakland a couple of months ago during an A's game and had to dodge two banner tows and a blimp. Class C was a total zoo.

All of that rather large airport is within the TFR.
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