Save yourself the trouble, as much as Verizon can be a pain in the butt sometimes, they're still one of the better companies out there for cell service.
I agree with you on Sprints service, horrid is a nice word to use, I used to have one of their phones and still have an Aircard which was a nightmare to get going properly.
However, I've had Verizon before as well and I consider their service somewhat superior to Sprint, but in no way would I put the term "Better" to it unless it was something like "Dealing with Verizon CS is a bit better than being hung by your testicles..." I'm like you, I've goine through a lot of providers, been using Cells since back in the "Bag Phone" days of... I think I got my first one in '87 or '88. The only company that has really provided me the quality of customer service I would deem as adequate is T-Mobile.