Sport Pilot Rule Updated

Hopefully, the next set of upgrades will do away with the speed limit and up the gross weight to include 150's.

Never going to happen. Be glad it ended up at 1,320. Today, there will be more people against moving it up than there was when the rules were initially written.

Lots of the new changes are really common sense things. Really probably things that were overlooked/not thought of at first.
The EAA's explination of the new rules and their commentary can be found here:
Overall, I am relatively happy with the rules change. The biggest thing for me was that they effectively eliminated those idiotic "sets" of aircraft (see proposal 7). That was really the only thing I was hoping for.

It would have been nice if they had allowed dual given to a sport pilot by a sport pilot instructor to later count towards dual for the private pilot certificate. However, since that was not brought up in the initial NPRM, I did not expect them to impliment it in the final rule.