Spare bed/couch/floor, anyone?


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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At this time I officially announce my intent to go to Gastons! :yes:

I've got the Archer booked and, pending club approval (which I'm told shouldn't be a real problem to get) and weather (which is another matter entirely) I'll be making it. Plan is wheels up Thursday after work, fly to Indiana for the night, and then make the rest of the trip in Friday morning. Leaving sometime on Sunday, unless weather is just that bad and I need to leave Monday.

I'll be looking for a place to sleep for Friday and Saturday nights, if anyone has availability.

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you! :)
Congrats on the decision! You'll be glad you did...

I'll bet finding floor space will be downright easy; couch space a bit harder; and though not as numerous, bedspace will be a distinct possibility!

What we have available will depend on how many of my kids come. But really, I wouldn't sweat it.

Have a great trip!
I am glad to accept floor space as well, since I'm bringing a sleeping bag. :)

Will exchange bed for wine? ;)
We've got him covered. And we're not letting him out! :rofl:

Uh oh... everyone else who wants some of my wine will have to get some quick! :)

Thank you for the offer, Kaye, Grant's got me covered as he said. I look forward to meeting you! :)

I'm ammending my schedule some. I'm going to try to get the Archer for Thursday morning through Monday afternoon. So, I am going to hope to leave IPT on Thursday morning, fly as much of the way I can as possible (potentially the whole way) and get there either Thursday late afternoon or Friday late morning. I think I'll leave after Sunday brunch and come back, once again WX permitting.
I will tell you that the return from Gaston's is one of those things that made us realize why we needed (and got) instrument ratings! :yes:
Yep... I'm 2 lessons into mine. I don't think finishing up the remaining 34 hours of hood time that I need (plus the written and check ride) in the next 2 weeks is going to happen! :)

By next year I'll have my IR, though! :D
Well right now I have 6 of the bottles I'm bringing picked out, and will need to go to the liquor store and buy another 6. I'm going to go for about equal distribution of red, white, and blush wines so hopefully everyone is happy, with vineyards from around the globe represented.

And Kaye, you will, of course, get some wine with your cookies! :)