Pattern Altitude
Okay, back onto aviation topic ... I saw an airplane once ...
And take it from here.
Okay, back onto aviation topic ... I saw an airplane once ...
And take it from here.
Okay, back onto aviation topic ... I saw an airplane once ...
And take it from here.
At least the truck didn't contain cole slaw.
At least the truck didn't contain cole slaw.
At least it didn't have the honey bucket.
There's a difference?
Yep, the catering truck brings the cole slaw, the honey bucket truck removes it after processing.
Tarmac is a registered trademark, and most runways are not really tarmac. Tarmac is a company that is a division of LaFarge.
Nobody has asked the most important question...were the chemtrail tanks ruptured?
No, that's in a belly tank.