Cleared for Takeoff
I want to take some soil samples on my farm and plot the location of each sample site with my Garmin 496. Then, I want to extract the sample site file and print it out as a map or at least as a text. Then, I can go to the same site each subsequent sample cycle and I can also use it to develop a variable rate application instruction to be used by fertilizer applicators or auto-steering devices.
Does anyone know if the 496 will do this readily? I will take a sample perhaps as often as every 5 acres. It needs to be accurate to within about 10-15 meters, although I'd prefer something down to the 1 meter range.
Does anyone know if the 496 will do this readily? I will take a sample perhaps as often as every 5 acres. It needs to be accurate to within about 10-15 meters, although I'd prefer something down to the 1 meter range.