Which makes an interesting conundrum:
1. Laptop is still better for photography, for me which means it may still be the choice on trips that are photography based. Laptop is 3 lbs versus new iPad. Which one is more likely to go on trips? Either/or? This last two-day jaunt to Paris I took no laptop to cut down on weight. A 1 lb iPAD may have gone with me.
2. I have a berry that works in Europe which means I get emails on the fly. Can google on the fly. I won't be carrying an iPAD around all day, but a berry I do carry. Not weight at this point, but size. Also, I have a 40 bucks a month Sprint plan for intl data on my berry - unlimited.
3. Re: number 2, the iPAD would likely sit in the hotel for use when I get back to the hotel, assuming I even have it with me. Many hotels already have wifi (see: laptop usage).
4. Given the above - who has the better data plan? This iPad will be used away from home, for sure - but will I use it in Europe at all, and if so, would it only be in the hotel anyway? Should I pick a data plan that is better for the times I will use it in the US?